The future is 5D's

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After the battle with Chazz and Zane you, Yugi and Jaden took a moment to catch up on what was going on and what needs to be done.

"So this Nightshade woman is trying to take over the world" said Jaden as you nod your head.

"We need to move to the next universe and if I remember correctly it was Yusei Fudo" you say as Yugi and Jaden nod.

After the 3 of you are ready to go you see the crack in the dimensions that bought you and Yugi here and the 3 of you start walking through it as you walk through you see a whole new city which you knew was domino.

"Welcome to the world of synchro summoning also known as 5D's" you said as Yugi and Jaden looked at the city and how things have changed.

"So where do we look for this Yusei Fudo" Yugi asks as you turn around to answer.

"Easy he will come to us and then that will make 4 and then we will need one more" you say as the 3 of you hear engines coming up the road behind you.

"And there he is now" you said as a group of people on duel runners appear before you, Yugi and Jaden as a man with yellow mark on his left cheek walks towards the 3 of you which you knew was Yusei.

"Ok you 3 we need to talk and I think you know why Zack, Yugi and Jaden" said Yusei as you give him a smile and followed him back to the city where you all went to team 5D's garage.

"So first off Yusei I knew your name but how did you know mine" you ask as Yusei looked at his left arm.

"The crimson dragon told me but I need to know why" Yusei asked as you look up.

"Nightshade wants to take over the world by using the 3 egyptian god card but I broke the egyptian tablet to stop her but in stead it threw every dimensions" you say.

"Ok but what I don't get is how because from what the crimson dragon showed me you live in our future" Yusei explains.

"That's because we are in what we call a mirror dimension" you replied as Yugi steps forward.

"What's a mirror dimension" Yugi asked.

"Ok it's like this there are multiple dimensions but some of them flow along side each other there are 3 kinds of dimensions there is mine which we call the normal dimension, then you have the possibilities which are called the dark side of dimensions and finally this dimension that flows along side mine the mirror dimension" you explianed.

"So it's basically we are like reflections of yours" Jaden says.

"Yeah but because of me the mirror dimensions are colliding causing the dimensional cracks" you say as you look at Yusei.

"And I need your help with this Yusei Fudo" you ask as Yusei smiles.

"I'm in" Yusei says as he shakes your hand until the 4 of you hear cashing sounds coming from outside.

"Hey guys look" Jaden says as you, Yugi and Yusei run outside.

What you see is buildings falling from the sky but what was strange was that the buildings came from Jaden and Yugi's dimensions but people were also running and screaming including a kid with a golden key around his neck.

"Hey that's Yuma the final duelist we need lets go" you say as the 4 of you run after him.

"Where am I" said Yuma as you and the others walk up behind him.

"Your in Yusei's dimension or should I say between dimensions" you say as Yuma turns round to look at you.

"Are you Zack" Yuma asks as you nod.

"Ok first off how did I get here" Yuma asks.

"If I had to guess because of the cracks in the dimensions the wall between them must be unstable which must of caused the mirror dimensions to collide which brought you here" you explain to Yuma as Jaden speaks.

"Hey guys what is that" Jaden said as the 5 of you look up to see a floating castle in the sky.

"That has to be Nightshade" you say as glowing purple stairs form in front of the 5 of you.

"And it looks like she is inviting us in" Yugi said as you look up [I can finally end this once and for all] you think as you turn around to face the others.

"This is it guys once we reach that castle an all out war between us and Nightshade begins so lets not keep her waiting" you say as you turn round and start running up the stairs.

"It's time to duel" Yugi says as he follows you up the stairs.

"Lets get our game on" said Jaden with a smile on his face as he begins running up the stairs.

"Lets rev it up" Yusei says as he runs after the 4 of you.

"We are feeling the flow" said Yuma as he runs up the stairs.

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