Final Time

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After the flash of light you wake up only to find that everything is pure white no sign of life just nothing but you could tell something was watching you.

"Ok who's there show yourself" you say as you look round.

"Master is that you" Nightshade says.

"Nightshade how are you here and what is going on" you ask.

"You beat my dark half but the dimensions were together to long and now we are in between them" Nightshade explains.

"You did well Zack and now a choice must be made" Obelisk says.

"What do you mean Obelisk, Slifer, Ra what is this choice I need to make tell me" you ask as you here more voices.

"Hey Zack that was one awsome duel" Jaden says.

"You really reved it up out there" Yusei said.

"I really felt the flow when you dueled" Yuma say.

"You proved that you had the heart of the card on your side" Yugi says.

"Zack" Chloe said.

"Yugi, Jaden, Yusei, Yuma and chloe your all ok" you says.

"Hey what about me" a female voice speaks as you turn round with your eye widened in shock at the person you see.

"No way is that really you sis" you say with tears beginning to form in your eyes.

"Yeah big bro it's me" Jasmine says as she runs up to you and you hug her with all the life in you as you cried tears of joy.

"Zack only you can fix the multiverse now but you must choose you can keep it the way it was before or you can change it" Slifer says as you look up.

"If you keep it the same you must erase yourself from everyones memories" Ra says as everyone steps forward.

"How is that far after everything he's been through you would take it away from him" Chloe says with a bit of anger in her voice.

"Yeah he save all of us" Yugi said.

"Can't we help him out" Jaden says.

"We can't just watch him disappear" Yusei says.

"He is like us" Yuma says.

"Enough all of you this was my mistake so I need to pay the price to put it right" you say as you try to stand.

"Zack no look at you your barely able to stand doing this will kill you" Chloe says as you walk past her.

"Look Chloe this has to be done just imagine how much has been changed and it was my fault now I'm going to pay the price" you say as you walk closer to obelisk, slifer and ra.

"Obelisk, Slifer and Ra I choose to put the multiverse back the way it should be" you say as a white light appears around you.

"NO STOP DON'T GO" Chloe shouts as she runs up to you.

"Chloe" you say as you see her grab your waist as tears fall down her face.

"You can't go you saved me, you saved all of us and now your going to disappear no I won't let you" Chloe says as you give her a smile.

"Chloe you have always been in my heart but right now you need to move on with your life" you say as she gives you a kiss on the lips.

"You are my life" she says as the light around you disappears.

"You have chosen to give your life in exchange to put things right but your journey doesn't end here" Luminos says.

"Luminos" you say as luminos makes a light appear around all of you as things start to reset to before the tablet shattered.

"Big bro look it's all back to normal" Jasmine says as you and Chloe walk towards her.

"It looks like the dimensions all returned to normal" you say as look round.

"Master look here" Nightshade says.

"Bro look it's you" Jasmine says.

"Look at that Zack your finally one of the legendary duelists" Chloe says as you look at your statue and smile.

"You now what I have made a lot of choices in my life but I need to ask you something Chloe" you say as she looks at you.

"What is it" she asks.

"My feelings for you never changed and when I saw you being used as some object for that shadow game it made me think about what I didn't say but do you remember the day you disappeared well wanted to ask you a question or maybe tell you that...." you say with a blush appearing on your face.

"Come on bro tell her already" Jasmine says.

"Chloe what I'm trying to say is I want us to be a family" you say.

"Wait Zack what do you mean" Chloe asks with a blush on her face.

"Chloe I hope I'm saying this right Chloe will you marry me" you say as you get on 1 knee with a ring in your right hand.

"I just have one question" she asks.

"What is it" you ask.

"What took you so long to ask me" she says with a smile on her face as you put the ring on her finger and give her a passionate kiss as the three of you begin a new adventure.

After all was said and done you and Chloe told everyone about your engagement. 2 years later the both of you got married and had two children a boy and a girl but things got even better after that as you had gone from being a teacher at duel academy to the owner of duel academy which soon grew into the no.1 duel school in the world. Jasmine completed her studies at duel academy and was now a teacher she even used word like "I'm following in my big brothers foot steps to train the best duelists" she always teached her classes that it is not power that wins but heart. Chloe took up the her duel bracelet and deck as she aimed to be called the queen of dueling champion but every queen needs a king and so we dueled side by side winning every match we had but I knew that the future was not clear and as long as I have Chloe and my kids I'll take what ever life thows at me so I only had one thing to say.

"Who's next".

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