Trial of will

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It had been a week since your duel with Mike and you had fell unconscious so after the duel Téa called for an ambulance to take you to a hospital to help treat your wounds but you are now waking up.

"Uh ouch" you say as you hold your left side of your chest in pain as you try to slowly sit up.

"Hey ya up ya should be resting up that duel was one hell of fight" Joey said as walked over to you.

"Hey Joey so what happened" you ask out of confusion.

"Well let me just say this ya had one hell of a scar on your shoulder" Joey said as you look to see bandages around your shoulder.

As you talk with Joey the others walk in and jump for joy as you give them a warm but painful smile as Téa walks up to you and lightly hugs you as to not cause you more pain as Yugi and Tristan walk up to you as Joey starts walking out the room.

"Well I got to be going I promised Serenity that I would go shopping with her so I'll see ya later" said Joey.

-outside the hospital-

"Man what a day but at least I can go home now" Joey said as he walked out the hospital until he heard a female voice.

"Hey there Joey" she said as Joey look only to see a certain blonde duelist he was looking at none other than Mai Valentine.

"Mai is that you wow ya look good" Joey said as Mai walked down an alley near the hospital as Joey followed her after they where out of sight of people Mai stopped and turned round to face Joey.

"Hey Joey why don't we have a duel" she says as she pulls out a duel bracelet which freaks Joey out.

"Mai why do you have that" he asks as a masked woman appears in a cloud of black smoke as Joey looks on.

"Oh my I guess my new puppet decided to come out and play" she said as Mai activated her duel bracelet as Joey activates his duel disk.

"Lets duel" Joey and Mai say.


[Ok clearly somrthing is wrong with Mai and I'll need to find out what] Joey thought as he drew his card.

"Ok Mai I play baby dragon in attack mode and place 2 cards face down and end my turn" Joey said as Mai looked at him.

"Is that all you can do Wheeler I draw and summon harpie lady in attack mode" said Mai.

"I also equip cyber sheild to my harpie lady to increase it's attack power" Mai says as harpie lady's attack points increase from 1300 to 1800.

"Oh no my baby dragon won't survive an attack" said Joey as Mai began her attack as her harpie lady struck baby dragon detroyed harpie lady.

"Haha fooled ya just as ya attacked I activated these my skull dice trap card and graceful dice spell card skull dice lowers ya monsters attack points by the number I roll while graceful dice raises my monsters attack points until this turns end phase" Joey said with a smile on his face.

harpie lady - ATK 1800
baby dragon - ATK 1200

skull dice - rolled 6
graceful dice - rolled 4

6 x 100 = 600
4 x 100 = 400

1800 - 600 = 1200
1200 + 400 = 1600

1600 - 1200 = 400
4000 - 400 = 3600


"You are skilled boy but you will lose all the same Mai play the card" the woman says.

"Hey you question are you the one called Mistress Nightshade" Joey asks as Mai looks back.

"Yes I am why" Nightshade asks as Joey looks at her with anger in his eyes until he says something that shocks Mai.

"In that case lets make a deal if I lose you set Mai free and take me in her place" Joey said as Mai began to cry from his words.

"Joey don't if you lose then the shadows will take you away" Mai says as Joey gives her a smile and ends his turn.

"Very well then Mai play the card now and seal his fate" said Nightshade as Mai cold not control her arm and played the chaos seal.

"I summon a second harpie lady and now that I have 2 level 4 monsters I can build the overlay network in order to xyz's summon CHAOS HARPIE QUEEN" said the unwilling and crying Mai as her chaos monster appeared as Joey closed his eye.

"I activate my chaos harpie queen's special ability by removing 1 chaos overlay counter I can destroy 1 of your monsters and you take damage equal to the destroyed monsters attack points" Mai said as baby dragon was destroyed.

4000 - 1200 = 2800

"Now chaos harpie queen attack and send Joey to the shadows" said Nightshade as Mai watched her monster attack Joey causing him to lose.

Chaos harpie queen - ATK 3000

2800 - 3000 = 0


After the duel had ended Mai was set free as Joey and Nightshade agreed but the crying Mai just ran to her friend as he began to disappear.

"Joey please Joey don't leave it should be me not you because of me your going to be her puppet and (sob) it's my fault" said a crying Mai as Joey that made her stop crying for a minute.

Joey put his hands on her shoulders and as she looked at him he gave her a kiss on the lips the caused her to blush and shock her.

"That is for you Mai and here give this to Zack tell him what happened and Mai I love you and alway will so if we survive this how about we go on a date" said the smiling Joey as he gave Mai his red eyes black dragon before disappearing.

"I love you too you (sob) big (sob) dork" said the crying Mai as she felt her heart break from the lose of the love of her life.

Hope you enjoyed that please don't hate me for this but the pairing was to good to miss and it's a twist for the future.

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