Enter Jaden

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As you got out of the hospital you see Mai standing there with tears in her eyes as the rest of the gang got there Téa sees Mai crying and runs over to her as she falls to her knees but soon the confusion on your face turned to anger as Mai hands you Joey's red eyes.

"He (sob) is (sob) gone" Mai said as you punch the wall knowing what must off happened.

"Joey traded himself for you am I right" you say holding back your anger before Mai said the one thing you didn't want to hear.

"Nightshade was controling me and Joey lost but he made a deal to let me go if he lost and take him in my place" Mai says as everyone looks at you clenching your fist.

"That's it Nightshade is going to pay Joey had nothing to do with this and she took his soul from him by using Mai" you said as you hear laughing behind you causing you to turn around.

"I must say I never thought you would get this angry I like it" said Nightshade as you walk up to her only to find out it was a hologram.

"How many more Nightshade why do you hate me so much" you say as the smile disappeared from her face.

"Let me clear something up for you I am only using this body to take my revenge on you Zack" she said.

"What do you mean" you ask as she shows a card with a monster called Nightshade but you remember seeing that card before.

You are 5 years old and learning about duel monsters.

"Daddy look I made a card" you say as your father holds it and smiles at you.

"Nightshade it looks like a good card" your father said as you laugh at the compliment and began talking about it.

The next day your dad gave you 2 cards the first was your fathers special card and the second was none other than your card you made Nightshade but things turned ugly when you duel others and play Nightshade you could feel a dark power take you over causing people to get hurt after a duel against 1 of your friends you found the card was to dangerous so you locked it away until you found out that the card was missing.
————————————————end of flashback————————————————

"So you broke out of the house and took some girl over just so you can take revenge on me but who is she your host tell me" you say as Nightshade laughs.

"Oh you will find out soon but I'll tell you this she screamed your name as I took over it was priceless oh and the feelings fear, sorrow and love and soon you will be no more" Nightshade said as she disappeared with a smile on her face.

"Zack you ok" asked Téa as she puts a hand on your shoulder as you begin shaking in anger.

"I've had it 1st Joey and now someone I knew it's my fault but I swear if I get the chance I will destroy that card" you say as Mai puts her hand on your other shoulder and you look at her.

"Zack please save Joey please" she said but all she could see was anger as you start walking away but Yugi decides to walk with you leaving the others alone as you walk by the card shop.

-at the card shop-

"Yugi why are you following me" you ask as Yugi gives you a simple answer.

"Because friends look out for each other" he says as you and Yugi get blinded by a bright light that soon takes them to another place.

"Where are we" Yugi asks as you look in shock at what you see.

"This is duel academy but it's not mine" you said as someone calls out to you.

"Hey there can I ask who you 2 are oh and my names Jaden Yuki" said Jaden as you look at him.

"Hello Jaden My name is Zack Mcintyre and this is Yugi Muto and all I can say is this I need to ask you for your help to save our dimensions" you say as Jaden hold his hand out as a sign that he accepts.

As you shack Jaden's hand you wonder how you got here and who Nightshade had took as a host but what you did know was that this was no longer a battle this was a war and one you had to win.

"So Zack how did you and Yugi get here from Yugi's time" Jaden asks as you give a puzzled look on your face.

"If I had to guess the wall between dimensions must be getting weaker if that's the case then that would mean that it won't be long before every dimension is shattered causing everything to be erased" you said as Jaden looked past you as you turn round you see 2 duelists 1 was Zane Truesdale and the other was Chazz Princeton and the 2 of them didn't look like they wanted to talk.

"Are you Zack" asked Zane as you walk forward and answer.

"Yeah that's me why" you asked as Zane and Chazz showed duel bracelets which you knew was not good since it could only mean one thing.

"You 2 are working with Nightshade why" You ask them in an angry tone as Chazz laughs.

"Because she offered us power and we took it but we want to duel you me and Zane vs you in a 2 on 1 hadicap duel so you game" Chazz says as he and Zane activate their duel bracelets.

"Ok you 2 are on the 2 of you vs me" you say as you activate your duel bracelet.

"Lets duel" the 3 of you say as you begin.

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