Truth between Time

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After you were sent into the void you soon found your self in a broken and darker version of the city everywhere you looked all you saw was destruction but what really shocked you was that duel monsters had become real but soon something made you shiver as you look behind you only to see Obelisk the tormentor, Slifer the sky dragon and the winged dragon of Ra look at you.

"Holy crap what is going on" you say as Obelisk looks down at you.

"You destroyed the stone tablet which caused you to be thrown into this alternative future which you caused" he say as you look round.

"She's gone" you say as you look broken.

"Your sister was erased because of the backlash I am sorry" Slifer said as you look at him with tears in your eyes.

"However your world is not lost it can be put right if you can restore the tablet that has been shattered through out the dimensions" Ra says as you look up.

"It's true these shards will cause a duelist to become evil and if you duel someone like that then your soul will be on the line" said Obelisk as you see 3 cards form in front of you.

"Take us with you as we will help you in this task" said Slifer as the 3 of them return to the cards and enter your deck as you are blinded by a bright light.

-10 seconds later-

As you open your eyes you find your self in a different city as your looking round you see a girl with brown hair in a pink school uniform running and looked like someone was in trouble so you follow her to an old warehouse where you then see a tall guy with blonde hair until the girl speaks.

"Joey you ok" she said as the guy answered her.

"Yeah téa but this guy stole my red eyes and I want it back" joey says as the guy speaks with starts smiling as you walk out.

"So this guy stole a card then how about this you have a duel with me if I win you give him his card back but if you win then you can have the rarest cards in my deck how about it" you say as everyone looks at you.

"Well that is interesting ok your on" he says as he sets his duel disk ready for the duel as you raise your left wrist.

"Duel bracelet on" you said as the bracelet on your wrist turned into a duel disk and then slotted your deck in as you her Joey speak.

"Oh man look at that" he say as you throw your jacket to Téa and look at her as you speak.

"Look after that for me please beautiful" you say as she gets a deep blush on her face.

"Lets duel" you both say as you begin the duel.


"I'll go first I draw lets see I think I'll play this come out bronze knight" you say as your monster appears.

"Oh but I'm not done yet you see when bronze knight is on the field I can summon silver knight to join him" you said as your second monster appeared.

"Now I active the spell car warrior's oath this card lets me summon a warrior type monster from my deck as long as I already have 2 warrior type monsters out on my field some come to the party gold knight" you said as your third monster appered as joey speaks.

"Look at that Téa it's only the first turn and he already has 3 monsters out with 1500 ATK points each" he said as you gave a smile.

"I place 2 cards face down and end my turn your move" you say as look at your opponent.

"My move I draw oh yeah try this I summon curse fighter when this monster is summoned you take 500 of damage for every card on the field" He said as his monter appeared.

500 x 6 = 3000
4000 - 3000 = 1000


"Now curse fighter attack his bronze knight" he says as his monster destroys yours.

Bronze knight ATK 1500
Curse fighter ATK 1800

1800 - 1500 = 300
1000 - 300 = 700


"Oh man this isn't looking to good Téa he is already lost most of his life point" joey spoke as you had a smile on your face.

"Thanks for that because now I draw and first off I can activate this the spell card warriors coffin this card lets me bring 1 warrior type monster back from my graveyard so come on back bronze knight" you said as your monster reappeared.

"And now I can use the spell monster trader by sending one monster in my hand to the graveyard then I can summon a monster of the same type from either hand or deck" you say as your smile grows.

"I send my hyper dragon to my grave in order to summon a dragon monster from your hand or deck" you say as your opponent looked confused.

"Hahaha what a waste I don't have any dragon type monsters" he said as you laugh.

"Hahaha wrong you do have one and I summon it now come forth RED EYES BLACK DRAGON" you shout as his face turns to horror as the monster appears.

"Now I activate polymerization to fuse together my bronze, silver and gold knight with red eyes black dragon to summon BLACK DRAGON KNIGHT" you shout as a new monster appears.

"Now for it's special ability when it's summoned it for every monster that is in my graveyard it gain 500 ATK points" you say as the spirit of your monsters flow into the blade.

Black Dragon Knight ATK 2500

500 x 5 = 2500
2500 + 2500 = 5000

Black Dragon Knight ATK 5000
Curse Fighter ATK 1800

5000 - 1800 = 3200


"Oh I almost forgot to mention this but by removing it from play I can summon Red Eyes Black Dragon to the field" you say as red eyes appear and attacks your opponent.


You win and return Joey's card to him as you all begin to talk about the duel.

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