Dimension X part 2

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"Ok my move and first I switch my gold knight to defence mode and place this monster in defence mode as well plus 2 cards face that ends my turn" you say as you look at Dark Nightshade.

"I hope you don't think that you that those monsters can stop my chaos overlord dragon I draw and I now activate the spell card chaos force this card gives my chaos overlord dragon 500 attack points each turn so now my monster is even stronger" Dark Nightshade says.

"NOW CHAOS OVERLORD DRAGON ATTACK HIS FACE DOWN MONSTER" Dark Nightshade shouts as your monster is destroyed.

"Thank you destroyed my fairy mage when it's destroyed in defence mode I can summon a monster as long as it has less attack points than the monster that destroyed it and last time I checked your monster had 7000 attack points which means I can now summon OBELISK THE TORMENTOR" you shout the last part as obelisk appears.

"Obelisk might be strong but my monster is stronger but before I end my turn I will activate my trap card chaos draw when you special summon a monster we can both add 1 spell or trap card from our decks to our hands" Dark Nightshade says as you both pick your cards.

"Now make your move" Dark Nightshade said.

"I...I d...draw I a...activate t...th...the spell c...card god unity" you say weakly.

"This card lets me summon monsters of the same level on the field so I can now summon slifer the sky dragon and the wing dragon of ra" you say as your 2 dragons appear.

"I place 1 card face down and end my turn" you say.

"Hahaha it's over now Zack BE GONE" Dark Nightshade shouts as her monster attacks.

"Zack" Yugi, Yuma, Nightshade and Chloe say as the attack hits.

"It's over I have won" Dark Nightshade says through laughter.

-in your mind-
[What is this place] you thought.

"Zack" you hear a voice call out to you.

[Who is that] you thought.

"Zack" you hear that voice again you look round only to see darkness every where but soon a small ray of light shines.

[that voice sounds familiar] you thought as you tried to get closer to the light.

"Zack" the voice says your name again as you reach the light you see Yugi, Jaden, Yusei, Yuma, Nightshade, Chloe, Obelisk, Slifer and Ra.

"What are you all doing here" you ask them.

"You need to wake up and finish this duel" Yugi says.

"Her dragon is too strong I don't have a single card that can beat it" you say.

"Zack you need to summon him with the card you need but you need to summon him now" Obelisk says.

"Him?" You question.

"Yes him he is more powerful that use for you see he is the fourth egyptian god" Slifer says.

"His name is luminos combined the three of us to summon him" Ra says as the light starts to move away.

-outside your mind-

"It's over I have won" Dark Nightshade says until the smoke clears only to see you standing.

"What but how you should of lost" Dark Nightshade said as you look up.

"I activated my trap card divine blessing it protects my monster in exchange for all but 100 life points" you say.

Your LP = 100
Dark Nightshade LP = 7500

"I need to draw the right card or I'm finished sis, mom, dad and all my friends please help me draw the card I need" you say as you close your eyes and draw a card.

"YOU WILL NOT STOP MY REVOLUTION" Dark Nightshade shouts.

"I believe it's time we end this after all my friends gave me the strength to draw this card and now I can play it go connection world this card lets me xyz, synchro and fusion summon with out a tuner monster and polymerzation" you say.

"Is that all no monster has power to defeat my chaos overlord dragon" Dark Nightshade says.

"That would be true however I am about to summon the 4th eygptian god" you say.

"THE WHAT" Dark Nightshade shouts in shock.

"I now use oblisk the tormentor, slifer the sky dragon and the wing dragon of ra to fusion summon the god of true power come forth luminos the god of light" you say.

"Hahaha your monster has 0 attack points which means you'll lose on my next turn" Dark Nightshade says through her laughter.

"True if I didn't have a card to play and it will change the tide of this duel in the words of Yuma I am feeling the flow as I activate declaration of pride this card lets me summon any monster from my opponents deck or hand I choose to summon Nightshade" you said.

"Why would you want her she is weak" Dark Nightshade says with a confused look on her face.

"Actually she is the key to victory" you say as Nightshade appears on your field.

"Master I will serve you well just like before" Nightshade says.

"Thank you my friend I now activate nightshades special ability you see she lets me draw a card and if it's a monster it goes to the graveyard but it's attack points go to any monster I choose and I keep drawing until I get a spell or trap card so lets see what I get" you say as you draw another card.

"It's a monster spell crafter and it has 1500 attack points which go to luminos, I draw again not your day trap crafter 1500, again oh luck is on my side kubo of the flame 2200, lets see if I get a spell no just kusho of the sky 2200 it looks like my I finally got a spell but luminos now has 8400 attack points" you say.

"No way" Dark Nightshade says.

"Now luminos attack chaos overlord dragon" you say as luminos destroys chaos overlord dragon.

Your LP = 100
Dark Nightshade LP = 6600

"Is that all my life points are still higher so you will still lose" Dark Nightshade says.

"Actually it's over you luminos has a special ability when he destroys a monster in battle you take the destroyed monsters attack points as damage which was 7000 enough to end this duel" you say as Dark Nightshades life points drop to 0.

Your LP = 100
Dark Nightshade LP = 0

"NOOOOOOO" she shouts as she disappears in to the seal which also cause you be pulled into a bright light.

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