Countdown to the end part 2

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You, Jaden, Yusei and Yuma are still running down the hallway when you stop and look back.

"Hey Zack what's wrong" asked Jaden as you look at him.

"It's nothing just had a feeling" you say as Yusei and Yuma stop at a big wooden door as you walk up to it an image of Nightshade appears.

"It seems you have reach my chambers how ever only 1 of you may enter so choose wisely" said Nightshade as she disappears.

"I think Zack should go in" Jaden says as the rest of you nod your heads as the doors open allowing you to enter you see Jaden, Yusei and Yuma disappear.

"Nightshade I'm here show yourself" you say as a throne rises from the ground with Nightshade sitting on it while looking at you with a smile on her face.

"So you made it but tell me what you think of my palace" she says as you don't speak.

"Fine don't speak but just look this is what I want to cause a revolution destroy the old to build the new with my leadership I can end all wars, all hate and create a new world" she said.

"You are just insane I can see your point but human have to make mistakes in order to learn and I think deep down Nightshade you know that but the darkness in your heart is making you blind to the truth" you say.

"I guess your not going to join me" Nightshade said as you start walking up to her.

"I want answers Nightshade like what your really after this whole take over the world is nothing but garbage you have something else in mind I want to know what it is" you say as Nightshade looked at you.

"Fine I want you I want you to be my master again but after what happened you locked me away I got so lonely wait for the you would come and we could duel side by side but I watched you grow, I watched you learn I even watched you fall in love and I felt forgotten" Nightshade explians.

"I see but this is not the answer so why don't you release all the people you captured and we can go home" you say as Nightshade smiles at you until a dark cloud of smoke appears around her as a second Nightshade appears.

"It seems that my good side is trying to put things right but I control this world and no one else can change that" said Dark Nightshade.

"So your the one behind this and you used my Nightshade as a puppet" you say with anger in your voice.

"That's right but I still want your soul Zack and then I can truely rule over every dimension" Dark Nightshade said as you pull out your duel bracelet.

"I will make you pay for what you've done not only for taking over 1 of my friends but for causing everyone to suffer so lets duel" you say as Dark Nightshade actives her duel bracelet.

"This is the end one will walk away and the other will be lost in the shadow realm" you say as the 2 of get ready for the final duel.

"Lets duel" you both say.

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