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"What, you did what?" Clementine spoke softly into the phone. Louis looking at her concern painted all over his face. "How could you? I trusted you... goodbye." Clementines tone changed from sad to angry, throwing her phone across the room and wrapping her arms around Louis. She sobbed into his shoulder yelling out incoherent sentences "Fu-ck h-him." Louis rubbed his best friends back trying to soothe her. All he could think at that moment was:

"It's my time to step up."

2 weeks later

Clementine was over it, she didn't want to speak about it ever again, the boy that broke her heart far in the back of her mind. She's been spending so much time with Louis outside of the house that she didn't even notice her new neighbors across the street.

"Alright, Louis is here I'm going out!" Clementine yelled out to her father before opening the door to the charming boy. "M'lady." Louis said while bowing down. "Hello Mr. Everett." Louis waved at the tall man. "Clem, I was thinking we could go say hello to our new neighbors." Lee said while putting a hand on his daughters shoulder. Clementine sighed and looked up to him. "Fine, Louis come on, keep me company because once dad starts talking it takes him a while to stop." Louis chuckled at her remark. It was true, the first time Louis met Lee they chatted for hours, about anything and everything. He might even be better than Clementine but Louis wouldn't admit that out loud. The brunette would have his tongue cut out in no time.

"Clem, go get AJ so we can go." Lee asks Clementine. She turns around and jogs to her little brothers room.
She knocks and walks in to find her little brother playing some video game. "AJ come on we are going to go meet the neighbors." AJ didn't move a muscle just continuing to play the game. "Alvin Junior!" The little boy flinched at that name and immediately put down his controller. "Clem you know I hate when you call me by my name." AJ whined. "Next time listen to me the first time." Clementine said sternly. AJ put his sneakers on and ran to the front door. Clementine walked behind him just watching how energetic the little boy was. When she makes it to the front door she frowns seeing her dad stealing her best friend and them having a conversation. "Come on guys, let's go." Clementine said grabbing Louis' arm and dragging him away from Lee. They walk across the street to the house and Lee rings the doorbell. "Oh Clem I saw they had a daughter, she looked around your age." He said hinting to see if the friends would accept her into their group. "We will just have to see ab-" Before Clementine could finish her statement the door opened. It was a pale blonde girl. The girl catching the attention of both Louis and Clementine. "H-hello?" She said with her raspy voice. Clementine nearly melted. Her voice sounding so soothing to her.

"Hello I'm Lee, this is my son AJ, my daughter Clementine and her best friend Louis." Each of them waving to the girl. "I uh I'm Violet, do you wanna come in?" She shyly asked. Lee nodded and walked in. The family steps in and Clementine nudges Louis. "She looks really cool let's take her to the mall with us." Louis looks down to Clementine, he would be lying if he said he was thrilled with the idea, seeing how hurt Clementine was over he who shall not be named, hurt Louis a lot. His fragile best friend shattered and discarded by a Garcia boy. He could tell from Clementine's initial reaction to the blonde girl that she was intrigued by her. Was Clementine getting bored of him? Was she tired of him singing 'Oh My Darling Clementine' whenever she was upset? He wanted to see her happy always and maybe bringing Violet along would be good for them. "Yeah, sure." He smiled at her and she smiled back warmly.

"My mom is in the kitchen let me go get her." Violet said lowly before disappearing into her house. A short woman came out from the kitchen with a smile on her face. "Hello! My name is Gideon." The woman says while shaking Lee's hand. "I'm Lee we live right across the street." Clementine was not interested in anymore introductions she was itching to talk to the new girl and be friends. She was sure that Violet was going to be a good addition to her friend group.

After saying hello to the woman, Lee as expected made conversation and she even invited him to the couch. Clementine sighed knowing they were gonna be there for a while. Clementine pulled Louis to Violet and Violet was shocked by the two teens walking up to her. Violet looked down to the floor and then back up to Louis. If looks could kill Violet surely would've been a goner. Louis held a scowl to the shorter blonde and it wasn't until Clementine broke the ice that his face changed. "So, Louis and I were about to go to the mall and we were wondering if you wanted to come with us." Clementine looked into Violet's green eyes with hope. Violet looking at Clementine then to Louis for approval. Louis looked down to the girl with one eyebrow up and his hands on his hips. Violet was indecisive, appreciating the offer to get out of her house but also afraid to accept in fear that the boy didn't want her there. All doubt went away when she looked back at the brunette her amber eyes burning into her soul. Violet let out a sigh. "Yeah let's do that, yes." Clementine smiled and looked at Louis to see what he thought. He looked back at her and chuckled. He was happy to see her happy, but disappointed that his scare tactics didn't work. He would have to be nice to the girl for the time being. Maybe she'll grow on him, only time will tell.

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