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Violet checked her phone for the time, the screen displayed the time 6:55 A.M. Violet said goodbye to her mom, kissing her on the cheek and leaving out the front door. Violet walked across the street to Clementine's house, thinking it would make it easier for Louis to just stop at one house. She saw Clementine sitting on her porch, speaking on the phone. "Come on, I can't be late Louis, just come as quick as you can. Violet shouldn't be late on her first day." Clementine hung up the phone and looked up at Violet. "Oh hey, you ready for your first day? Louis is running a little late but he'll be here soon." Clementine assured Violet. "Oh okay it's fine, but I am a little nervous." Violet said sitting on the chair next to Clementine.

The two girls sit in silence for a couple minutes until Louis pulled up to Clementines house. They got in and headed to Ericson's. They played music and jammed on the way to school, Violet started to feel her nervousness drift away and she was actually having fun. Being with Louis and Clementine brought a smile to her face. Violet liked this feeling, knowing she had friends already, Violet has never been good with people but surprisingly with Louis and Clementine she felt comfortable. So comfortable that she even started singing with the songs playing on the speakers.

The trio makes it to school with two minutes to spare. "Alright Louis lets help Violet find her class." Clementine propositioned. "No need, her and I have first period together, you go, don't be late." Louis pushed Clementine in the direction of her class and walked with Violet to their class. Not before Clementine could yell out one final "Bye Violet!" Causing Violet to shake her head and blush.
The rest of the day went smoothly, Louis showed Violet to her second period and after that Violet was on her own until lunch. Violet didn't do much talking in any of her classes, hoping that would make the time go by quicker.

Violet felt a tap on her shoulder and looked to the right to see a very tall girl. "Hey you're new." The tall girl chuckled. Violet looked up at her not knowing what to say, all she did was nod. "I'm Minerva, but my friends call me Minnie." She held out her hand for Violet to shake. Violet shook her hand and introduced herself. "I'm Violet." The taller girl smiled at her. "Well if you ever need anything just let me know." Minerva offered. "Y-yeah thanks." Violet became flustered around the intimidating girl. "Actually since you're new, how about you sit with my friends and I at lunch." Violet shook her head looking down. "I have a-" Violet was cut off by the bell and Minerva lead Violet to the lunchroom. By the time they got there the room already started to fill up. Violet spotted Clementine sitting down at a booth, she had to think of a way to get over there and not be rude to Minerva. The task being a lot easier said than done, especially with how quiet Violet was.

Clementine saw Violet with Minerva and didn't know what to think. Clementine and Minerva have never seen eye to eye, mainly because of Minerva's towering height but also because Minerva has always hated Clementine. Ever since they met, Minerva just didn't like how much everyone liked Clementine, she felt replaced. Soon she drifted away from the group completely. Clementine was hurt to see Violet over with someone else, but she told Violet she could stay with them until she found new friends. She didn't expect it to be so quick. "Hey Clem, where's the new girl I've been dying to meet her." Brody asked Clementine. "Oh um I haven't seen her yet, she'll find us soon." Clementine hoped. "And here she is now." Louis said looking at the blonde approaching. Clementine looked up at her and smiled. "Hey how has your day been." Violet took a seat next to Clementine and looked around at the people at the table. "It's been fine, I made some friends." Violet smiled shyly. "That's great, I'm proud of you." Clementine put a hand on Violet's shoulder. Violet chuckled nervously looking at all the eyes on her. "Well guys this is Violet." Clementine introduced all the people at the table. Starting with Mitch, Aasim, Ruby, Brody, Marlon, and Omar. Violet waved at each one not knowing what else to do. The group accepted Violet quickly and they included her in their discussions and asked questions to get to know her better. "Ugh I have math next period, I really would rather get my finger chopped off." The group at the table laughing and wincing, imagining the pain of losing a finger. "Come on it's not that bad. I have that class too, what luck huh?" Violet would be lying if she said she wasn't excited that she had a class with Clementine. "Oh yeah how lucky." Violet looked away from Clementine. Whenever she'd look at her too long she'd be overwhelmed with this feeling in the pit of her stomach. It was weird, Violet felt completely comfortable with the brunette but at the same time she was terrified of messing up around her. The bell rang signalling that lunch was over. They all stood up and split up to their classes, leaving Clementine, Louis and Violet. "You'd think me being so amazing at piano, I'd be more excited for keyboard class but it's the exact opposite." Louis frowned grabbing his book bag and walking off to class. The girls wave goodbye to him and walk together to their next class. "You know this class isn't that bad, you'll like it. Also I've got some weird kid sitting next to me so we can just kick him out." Violet laughs at her bluntness, pushing her lightly. "Watch out, you know what happened last time you tried me." Clementine raised an eyebrow. Violet blushed deeply, remembering Clementine on top of her. "Stop, don't make me think about that." Violet walked away from Clementine, finding the classroom and walking in. Clementine caught up with Violet and grabbed her wrist. "Hey come on I was joking. Let's go sit down." Violet huffs and follows behind Clementine and sits next to her.

This class goes slower than all the rest combined. At least this is the last class of the day. Her and Clementine had barely been able to talk because the teacher was talking the whole time. After a while, Violet tuned the teacher out and started doodling in her notebook. She would always wonder why she was no good at math. Clementine beside her was writing her notes diligently, Clementine glanced to her left to see Violet writing in her notebook. At first glance, Clementine assumed it was the notes but was mistaken. Taking a closer look at her paper, she saw she was writing V+C with a heart around it, she kept adding to it making the lines thicker. Violet looked down at her paper and furrowed her eyebrows. Why would she be writing this? What if Clementine saw? Violet quickly scratched the drawing out and looked to Clementine. She seemed to be just as focused on her notes as she has been the entire class. Violet sighed in relief glad she hadn't embarrassed herself.

Clementine's mind was going crazy she could barely focus on her paper. Her teacher began sounding incoherent and mumbled. Clementine snapped out of it when Violet was nudging her. "Clem, you okay?" Violet asked her looking at how her hand wasn't even writing words on her paper. "Yeah, yeah I'm okay. Just got distracted." She chuckled and shook her head. Clementine felt her phone vibrate to see she had gotten a text from her dad saying he couldn't pick her up after softball practice. She hated having to walk home, even Louis couldn't help since he is actually responsible and has a job. Clementine groaned loudly. Violet looked at her with wide eyes. "Is everything okay?" Violet asked Clementine. Clementine pinched the bridge of her nose shaking her head. "Lee can't pick me up after practice so I have to walk home." Clementine sighed. Violet knew her mom would pick them up, but Violet did want to hang out without her mom embarrassing her.

"Um I could stay with you and we can walk together."

Clementine looked at Violet shocked. Was she really willing to walk all the way home with her? "You would really do that?" Clementine asked Violet still not believing she offered to walk in the Macon heat. "Yeah of course, what are friends for?" Violet smiled at Clementine. Violet deep down hated getting all hot and sweaty but she was willing to do it for Clementine. Just for her.

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