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"Dad that's not fair, you don't even know what happened." Clementine tried to persuade her father. "Carley just summed it up for me. Even if you two weren't doing anything, the door was closed when you were specifically asked to keep it open, and you have no shirt on. What are we supposed to think Clementine?" Lee tried not to raise his voice at his daughter. He knew she was a good kid, but right now he was in shock. Clementine never disobeyed them, even for little things like leaving a door open. Lee could see tears building up in Clementine's eyes. "Y-you can't just take her from me, we go to school together." Clementine said, her voice cracking slightly still fighting not to cry. Lee sighed. "Yes I know, but it would be in your best interest not to let me find out you two are seeing each other. Just to make sure, I need your phone." Lee held out his hand, expecting her phone in his hand. Clementine quickly pulled the shirt she was clinging onto, over her head and started looking around. "Now, Clementine." Lee urged. "I'm looking!" Clementine bit back. She found her phone at the foot of her bed. She picked it up seeing she had some unread messages from Violet asking if she was okay. Clementine smiled sadly and cleared the messages. She then gave the phone to her dad. Lee looked down at the phone in his hand and felt himself frown slightly at what he saw.

Her lock screen was a picture of her and Violet. Taken by Louis one day they sat outside for lunch. It was a picture of Violet looking at Clementine as she spoke and how oblivious Clementine was to it all. Lee sighed and put the phone in his pocket. "I didn't want to have to do this, but rules are rules. I'm sorry sweet-"

"Just go." Clementine cut him off, bellyflopping onto the bed.

"Clementine." Lee was going to speak again but Carley grabbed his arm, tugging it lightly signaling for him to leave the room. He turned around and walked out slowly, closing the door behind him.

Violet stared at her phone, hoping she'd get a reply back from Clementine, but nothing. Violet just stared at her lock screen, empty. All that was on it was a picture of Violet giving Clementine a kiss on the cheek. Violet's lips cracked a small smile looking at the picture Louis took of them. She thought it was weird that he took pictures of them but seeing how much Clementine loved them, there was no way she could complain.

As time passed and the sun had set, Violet grew more and more anxious. She didn't want to bombard Clementine with texts, trusting that she would respond when she could. When she checked the time and it was 10 pm, Violet knew something was wrong. Violet would pay Clementine a visit in the morning. She got in bed and got under her covers but not before checking her phone one last time.

Violet tossed and turned, the nerves building in her stomach making it impossible to get any sleep. All of a sudden, Violet heard something hitting her window. It was uncommon for that to happen since she's on the second floor. Violet got out of bed and snuck to go check what was causing the noise. Violet pulled the blinds to the side and peeked out to see Clementine holding pebbles from her front yard. Violet moved the blinds to the side completely and Clementine halted her actions. Violet quietly opened the window.

Clementine needed to come and see Violet to explain what happened earlier between her and her parents.

"What are you doing?" Violet whisper-yelled, not wanting to wake her mom up, even though she was the heaviest sleeper she knew. "I had to see you, you think you can sneak me in?" Clementine tilted her head. "Alright get to the door, I'll open it." Violet sighed and then rushed downstairs to the front door. Violet quietly turned the lock and opened the door. From her window, Violet couldn't see Clementine that well, but having her up close, she could see Clementine had been crying. Violet's stomach sank and she pulled Clementine into a tight hug. Her girlfriend hugged back. "Come on, let's go to my room." Violet kept her voice low. She shut the door and they made their way up the stairs. The girls took slow light steps up the stairs trying their best not to make noise. The best part of the house was that the only rooms upstairs were Violet's room, the office, and a bathroom. Meaning Violet basically owned the top floor... Well, that's how she liked to think about it.

They stepped into Violet's room and Violet flicked the light switch on to see Clementine better. Violet put her hand on Clementine's face and caressed the soft cheek slowly with the pad of her thumb. "Clem, baby, what happened?" Violet could feel the tears brimming in her eyes just from seeing Clementine like this. "I can't see you anymore." Clementine looked down, Making Violet remove the hand on her face. "What do you mean, Clementine?" Violet felt a tear roll down her cheek as she spoke. "After he saw us he took my phone and said I can't see you anymore." Clementine fell to her knees and dropped her face to her hands. "Shit. Is that it? Are we done?" Violet looked down at Clementine. Clementine stood up quickly and grabbed a hold of Violet's hands. "No, no, no we can still make it work, we can still be together. We can just see each other in school and I don't know, sneak out too?" Clementine had tears streaming down her face. "No Clem, this whole situation is so fucked. You can't go behind your parents back like that. I'm not worth it." Violet looked away from Clementine. "Yes you are, you can't just give up on us, Vi. You mean so much to me, I'm not giving up." Clementine spoke a little louder than intended.

"I love you." Violet said sadly. "No! You don't get to say that. Not if you're giving up." Clementine started to get angry. "Clementine we just have to wait until it all blows over. Once it's all okay we can be together again. I'm not giving up." Violet tried to reason with her. "What do you mean, together again, we are not over." Clementine looked at Violet like she was crazy. Violet tried to pull Clementine into a hug but she got pushed away. "No, I'm not going to let you do this, we are going to make this work." Clementine begged. "Clem stop, I don't want to do this."

"So then don't end it!"

"I have to respect your parents, they probably think I'm a bad influence. If they catch you out of the house it will just make it worse. We just have to give it time okay? You're the one for me, I'll wait as long as I have to." Violet was full on crying at this point. Hurting her girlfriend was no easy task. Clementine knew Violet was right, but she didn't want her to be right. Clementine sighed and fell into Violet's arms. "This is all my fault, I just had to close the door." Violet rubbed Clementine's back. "Don't blame yourself, I should've opened it but you're just too irresistible." Violet joked. "You break up with me but still find a way to tease me, you're so mean to me." Clementine looked at Violet, they smiled weakly to each other. "We shouldn't kiss right?" Violet asked after moments of silence. "Definitely not." Clementine leaned in. "Yes, you're right." Violet stepped back, letting go of Clementine. "Have I told you how mean you are to me?" Violet laughed. "Maybe one or twice." Violet kissed Clementine's forehead. "You should get home, I'll see you at school." Clementine shook her head. "Let's just lay together for a while." Clementine tried to pull Violet to the bed. "I don't think getting in bed with my ex is a good idea. Clementine, you need to go, what if someone goes into your room?" Violet pulled herself out of her grip. "Don't call me your ex, that sounds terrible, but fine I'll leave. If I get a kiss." Clementine puckered her lips and closed her eyes. Violet rolled her eyes and kissed her cheek."Rude." Clementine huffed and they made their way downstairs. They stepped outside her house, Violet wanted to make sure Clementine got across the street safely. "Okay, goodbye kiss, this is the last one we will have for a while." Clementine hoped that wasn't true. "Fiiiiine." Violet kissed Clementine's lips softly then watched as the girl pulled away with a smile. "I love you." Clementine made Violet melt with the simplest things. "I love you too and this isn't the end of us. We will be Violentine again." Violet held up her pinky. "You're hanging out with Louis I see?" Clementine laughed and intertwined their pinkies.

"Bye, Clem."

"Bye, Violet."

Violet watched as Clementine walked across the street, then go around the side of the house to sneak in through her window. "I just made the biggest mistake." Violet let out a loud sigh and walked back inside, back to her room. She hoped they'd get back together soon, this 5 minute period apart knowing they weren't together, hurt. It won't be long until they were back together again.

She hoped.

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