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"He told me about Gabe and what he did to you. I would never do that to you, Clem." Violet looked deep into Clementine's eyes. "Oh, Violet I know you wouldn't." Clementine pulled Violet into a warm hug. They pulled apart and just looked at each other. "Do you want to come in?" Clementine offered. Violet nodded and Clementine opened the door wide to let her in. This wasn't Violet's first visit to Clementine's house, she knew exactly where Clementine's room was. Violet made a detour to greet Clementine's mom and dad. They were sitting in their dining room and Violet pulled up a chair at the end of the table. "How is my favorite couple doing?" Violet asked. Lee and Carley both laugh at Violet's question. "We are doing just fine." Violet smiled proudly, she really wanted Clementine's parents to like her and she could tell they did. She wouldn't know what to do if they didn't want Violet around. "Did you hear that study they are doing on chickens?" Lee brought up. Clementine sighed loudly knowing that if she didn't take Violet now, they were going to go on a whole tangent about chickens. She pulled Violet away and they headed to Clementine's room.

The two of them sat on Clementine's bed and talked for a while, a little about school and also some a more personal discussion. It wasn't until their more personal discussion began that Violet brought up Clementine's past with Gabe.

"Clem, I'm going to say it again, I'd never treat you the way he did. He was totally crazy for doing that to you." Violet said looking at Clementine sincerely. Clementine's heart was pounding, she knew that Violet was the one for her. The way they clicked almost instantly, the way the butterflies in her stomach would erupt in her whenever Violet smiled at her. Clementine even laughed at all of Violet's sarcastic remarks, finding her stubborn attitude adorable. Clementine could feel their bodies coming closer. They were so close Clementine could feel the heat Violet's body was radiating. Violet put her hand on Clementine's mid-thigh, not in a sexual way but for support, thinking she'd collapse if she didn't hold onto something. Violet looked into Clementine's eyes, her breathing got heavy and they haven't done anything yet. Clementine closed her eyes and slightly puckered her lips, Violet did the same and the two came together. Violet couldn't believe the way Clementine's lips felt, she has kissed a girl before but she never remembered this feeling. The girls moved in sync, their lips moving like they had done this a million times before. The two separated and took a few breaths. "Holy shit." Violet said first. Violet and Clementine's faces were beet red and their hearts were beating in their ears. "That's romantic." Clementine chuckled. "I mean, holy shit." Violet couldn't wrap her head around the fact that they had finally kissed. This did mean something, it had to.

"Well, we tried that girl kiss." Clementine said jokingly. Violet smiled and shook her head. "So, did you like it?" Violet hoped she did, she wanted nothing more than to be able to kiss her more often. "You can't ask two questions that's against the rules." Clementine mocked Violet when they played 21 questions and Violet refused to tell her about the kiss. "Come on, you know you want to tell me." Violet gained a surge of confidence, she scooted close to Clementine and could see the girl shift in her spot. "You wish." Clementine pushed Violet back. "Yeah, I didn't like it either." Violet shrugged looking away. Then Violet heard Clementine take a deep breath and sigh.

"Violet, I think well I hope we are more than friends." Violet didn't look at Clementine, knowing that if she did, her heart would explode. Clementine was dying to look into Violet's green eyes when she said her next line. "And I want us to be like um girlfriends." That's when Violet's head snapped in Clementine's direction. She looked at her with wide eyes, and she had no idea what to say. Clementine hoped she didn't mess up what she had with Violet. Clementine looked at Violet, neither of them had said a word. Next thing Clementine felt was a hand on her cheek. Violet came in close and pulled Clementine's face softly towards her so their lips met in the middle. This kiss was for confirmation, not that they needed it. They both knew it even before they kissed. Violet deepened the kiss by swiping her tongue on Clementine's lip, silently asking her for entry. Clementines accepted the request and moaned softly at the first contact of their tongues. At that moment Violet knew this is what heaven had to be like, this was her eternal bliss. The two pulled away and looked into each other's eyes smiling widely.

"I think I'd like that."

On the inside Clementine was going crazy, she had never felt this way, she was never this happy with someone. Clementine was so used to being independent, even when she was dating Gabe she never felt the need to be with him constantly. But with Violet she never wanted her to leave her side, and now she knew that Violet felt the same.

"So does this mean I can hold your hand?" Violet asked innocently. Violet has never had a girlfriend or even been in a relationship, so she had no idea what to do. When she heard Clementine laugh she thought she already messed something up. Clementine grabbed Violet's hand in hers and rubbed her thumb on the back of Violet's hand. "Of course." Clementine kissed Violet's cheek and they both blushed.

They were teenagers in love and had no idea what to do with that knowledge, they hoped everyone would accept them with open arms, but would it really be that easy for the new couple?

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