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As the warm shower water flowed down her body, Violet let her thoughts get the best of her. She finished a long time ago but was too lost in her own mind to even move. It was comforting though, she was warm and the noise of the water hitting the floor was peaceful.

What was going on with Violet? When she met the brunette all she could say was holy shit. The girl looked like a total badass, she could probably bash someone's skull in. Her amber eyes were so captivating she could stare at them all day. Violet broke out of her trance. Why was she thinking like that, they just met? But she thinks about everyone like that, right? Violet tried to force herself to think about someone else. Louis. His brown hair, charming smile. All the thoughts were rejected, her brain refused to think about anything but the girl across the street.

Violet sighed in defeat realizing her instant chemistry was just something she'd have to deal with. Violet turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. After getting dressed Violet went downstairs to find her mom talking to someone. "Oh hey honey, finally, we were worried you fell in the shower." Gideon jokes making Clementine laugh. Violet glared at her mom, but when she looked at how Clementine laughed, she couldn't help but smile. "Well I'm just going to take Clementine now, you said it yourself mom, this is a chance for us to get to know each other better." Violet says while starting to walk away. Hoping Clementine follows her lead and leaves. Clementine does catch the hint and follows Violet but not before saying bye to Violet's mom. "Uh sorry, I took so long I just started thinking a lot." Violet says while walking up the stairs to her room. "It's alright I like your mom, she's funny. But what were you thinking about?" Clementine worried about Violet, hoping she wasn't thinking about Clementine weird comment earlier. "Oh it's nothing just nerves starting a new school, you know?" Violet had to make something up. Was she supposed to tell Clementine that all she could think about was her? Definitely not. Violet opened the door for Clementine and she sat on Violet's bed while Violet sat at her desk. "Starting at a new school isn't going to be that bad, don't over think it, okay?" Violet smiled at Clementine appreciating her advice. "Alright, let's get this sleepover started!" Clementine said while clapping her hands. "What do you want to do first?" Violet asked an excited Clementine. "Let's play 21 questions." Clementine suggested. "You sound like a middle school boy texting his crush." Violet joked. Clementine blushes lightly and got defensive. "Hey! You asked me what we should do and I told you." Clementine huffed. "Alright, alright calm down. We can play, you go first." Violet tried to calm Clementine down. "Ooh okay, so why did you move to Atlanta?"

Violet thought for a minute. Was she really going to tell this stranger about her parents fighting because her dads a "fucking drunk" or is she going to lie?

"Uh well my parents fought a lot, and my mom finally decided to leave him. She has family here and just took me and moved us here." Clementine looked at Violet sympathetically. "Shit, Vi I'm sorry I didn't mean to bring up bad memories. You want a hug or something?" Violet could've jumped out of her seat but she held back. How warm would Clementine be, it would feel really nice right now. "Haha, you wish you could get a hug from me." Violet teased. Violet hoped Clementine caught the bait that Violet wanted Clementine to hug her.

"Oh really?" Clementine raised an eyebrow. Violet shook her head. Time for her question. Violet stood up and moved to the bed with Clementine, preferring not to yell across the room anymore. She sat on the bed facing Clementine and thought about what she wanted to ask her.

"Violet we don't have all night come on ask me something." Violet shoved Clementine. Clementine saw this as a death wish and pounced on Violet. Clementine pinned Violet by her wrists. Clementine looked down to the blonde girl.

Violet was speechless. What's going on with her right now. They asked one question and now they're in this position. Clementine straddling Violet's waist just staring at Violet.

Clementine realized what she was doing, she was so used to play fighting with AJ that it was just an instinct. That's what Clementine kept telling herself. "So uh ever kissed a girl?" Violet asked breaking the silence. Clementine quickly got off of Violet and fixed herself. "I-uh what did you ask?" Clementine asked knowing full and well what Violet asked her. "Oh never mind." Violet says waving it off. "Um, no I never have. Kissed a girl that is." Clementine said looking down. "How about you?" Violet looked at Clementine shocked, not thinking Clementine would think twice about the question. "Oh yeah just once." Violet said looking anywhere but Clementine. "Did-did you like it?" Clementine asked Violet. "Nope, you can't ask two questions, that's against the rules."
"Alright then ask your question." Clementine pleaded. Violet fake yawned and stretched her arms open wide. "Actually I'm like super tired, we should go to sleep." Violet said while getting up out of bed. "Come on stay up a little longer please." Violet couldn't say no with those amber eyes burning into her soul. "Clem, I'm actually really tired." Clementine liked how Violet said her name, Clementine blushed and nodded. "Okay fine crybaby." Violet chuckled and shook her head. "Alright so I'll sleep on the floor and you take the bed." Clementine's eyes opened wide. "Oh no way, there is enough room on here for both of us." Clementine scooted to one side to show violet there was room for her. This time Violet really couldn't say no. This was her chance so she took it.

"Alright fine just don't hog the blankets." Violet said while going to turn off the lights and settle into bed. "I'll try my best, no promises." Clementine joked. The two laid next to each other neither of them believe this is happening, they were in bed together. Both confused about this feeling they were getting and how to make it go away.

"Hey vi."
"I'm glad we met, I can tell we are going to be great friends." Clementine said before turning on her side, ready to sleep.
It was disappointing, even though Violet didn't understand why.
"Me too, Clem."

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