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Waking up next to Violet was a whole new feeling. Clementine has been to sleepovers before of course, with Brody and Ruby but this was different for her. Clementine tried to go back to sleep but was startled when an arm wrapped itself around her. She then felt a breath on her neck. She obviously knew who it was. Should she wake Violet up? Clementine was really comfortable and it did seem a little early to get up.

With Violet's warmth, Clementine found herself falling asleep again.


Violet woke up but didn't want to open her eyes, she was so comfortable and didn't want to leave. As she gained more consciousness, an unfamiliar scent hit her. Violet never enjoyed sleeping this much. Violet opened her eyes and realized her head was on Clementine's chest. Violet wanted to jolt up but when she realized Clementine's arm was wrapped around her, Violet knew she couldn't leave. Well she could but she didn't want to. Violet started to think about what Clementine told her last night. "I can tell we are going to be great friends." Was that what this was? Just a friend thing? Well of course it was. They haven't known each other long anyways. Violet let out a disappointed sigh knowing that this wasn't going to be anything more, and she was okay with that. That inkling of disappointment becoming prominent in her mind and bringing her mood down. Violet got up carefully trying not to wake Clementine up. She failed and Clementine stirred awake. "Oh good morning." Violet blushed and got out of bed to go to the bathroom and brush her teeth. Violet noticed Clementine walk up behind her, toothbrush in hand. "You could've told me my breath smelled bad." Clementine said while putting toothpaste on her brush and started brushing her teeth. Violet saw how normal Clementine was acting and just knew that what happened in bed was just something normal to Clementine. She figured she did that with all her friends. Violet shook her head and left the bathroom after finishing. She went back to her room and changed.


Violet still hadn't talked to Clementine and Clementine's patience was running short. Clementine assumed she did something but couldn't seem to think of what it was. She decided to leave Violet alone, hoping that she'd come around and tell her what was wrong.

That time never came, the two had breakfast in silence and when it was time for Clementine to go home, Violet couldn't argue. She let her leave waving as she went across the street to her own house.

Violet shut the front door and walked up the stairs to her room. She was disappointed in herself, knowing she probably just threw away a potentially good friendship. Before Violet could plop back into bed, she noticed a note on her desk. She picked up the folded piece of paper and read it.

"Hey would you look at that, I forgot my jacket. I wonder if someone would and bring it back to me but I want it back from someone that maybe doesn't hate me. So bring it to me when you're ready, I'm worried sick.

-Clementine E."

Violet chuckled at the note, so Clementine did notice her attitude, but she also thought Violet hated her. Violet owed Clementine an apology for the way she was acting with her. It was Violet's own fault for sleeping on Clementine. Violet still needed some time to herself so she decided she'd drop off the jacket later.

Clementine on the other hand was an impatient mess, she was so nervous for when Violet would show up and confront her on something she did wrong. Maybe Clementine made her uncomfortable when she jumped on her and she never wants to be alone with Clementine ever again. She hoped that wasn't the case because Clementine actually really liked spending time with someone other than Louis for a change.

The doorbell rang and Clementine jumped up to open the door. She quickly opened the door to find Louis. Clementine completely forgot she invited him over. He walked in taking off his jacket and throwing it to the side dramatically. Clementine rolled her eyes playfully, laughing at how comfortable Louis was in her house.

"Alright kids, I've got to go pick up Carley from work, you know how she gets after these night shifts. I'll be back soon, watch AJ." Lee says while grabbing his keys about to walk out the door. "Louis come pick up this jacket we have a coat rack right there." Lee said glaring at the boy. Louis sulked over to pick up the coat from the floor and hang it up. Lee patted Louis' back. "Watch my sweet pea." Then walked out of the door. Louis turned to Clementine. "Alright tell me everything." He said rushing to the couch and patting the space next to him and Clementine sits down.

"well I had a sleepover with Violet and it's weird 'cause I've slept over Ruby's house and with Brody but this was weird Louis. It felt different, like I was constantly nervous, why?" Louis thought about it. He didn't like how that sounded. Louis knew exactly what this could mean. He was losing his best friend to a crush. He was surprised that the girl already took interest when they haven't known each other long. Louis couldn't let Clementine get hurt. Never again. He would never let Clementine be hurt like how she was after he who shall not be named.

"You're overreacting, it's just because you two just met. Don't overthink it." Louis replied. He felt bad for trying to invalidate her obvious feelings but she'd thank him in the long run when she's past the silly crush and back to focusing on more important things. "I don't know Louis this isn't the same." Clementine pleaded trying to make Louis see it the way she was. Deep down Clementine knew what this meant, but she wanted to hear it from someone else. But Louis didn't see it her way, so maybe she really was overthinking it. "Well I guess you're right." Clementine eventually admitted looking down. Louis frowned at the girl. He didn't like the guilt that was building in the pit of his stomach. He rubbed Clementine's back, she stood up and turned to Louis. "I'm going to the bathroom really quick." Clementine said walking off without another word, leaving Louis alone with his guilt. He sat back and threw his head back with a sigh, looking up at the ceiling. He broke out of his thoughts when he heard knocks at the door. He stood up and walked to the front door. He opened the door to see a nervous Violet on the other side.

"O-oh hey Louis, I'm here to give Clem her jacket. Is she around?" Louis looked down to the girl. He knew he should let her in and let her talk to Clementine but he didn't want her coming and confusing Clementine even more. "Oh she's doing something right now, I'll return it to her for you don't worry." He held out his hand. "I actually wanted to talk to Clementine so I'll wait." Louis sighed in defeat. He couldn't come between the two forever, he let her in and allowed her to wait in the living room. "Clemmy! You have a guest!" Louis yelled out. Clementine came out of the bathroom and started to walk back towards the living room. "Who is-" Clementine said but stopped herself when she saw Violet. "Hey, I just wanted to return this to you." Violet held out the jacket and Clementine grabbed it. "Oh thanks." Clementine thanked Violet and smiled. Violet blushed and looked away. Louis watched the exchange and made the final conclusion the two of them definitely had feelings for each other despite knowing each other for a day. He had never seen his best friend fall so quick, Clementine is the definition of reserved, after knowing her for a while then seeing how she was acting with Violet, you wouldn't believe this was the same person. "I better get going, I don't want to interrupt your time together." Violet started to walk to the front door. "Violet, wait can we talk outside?" Violet nodded and stepped outside, Clementine walked out behind her and closed the door behind her. Clementine spoke first. "Look Vi, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable at all." Violet looked up to Clementine shocked. She wasn't expecting Clementine to apologize at all. "No no no you didn't do anything wrong Clem, it was me. I know it was probably weird that I was on you, and I'm really sorry." Violet rubbed the back of her neck and looked away from Clementine. "Oh you felt bad for that? Don't worry, you were really comfortable." Clementine chuckled and shuffled nervously. The girls made eye contact and blushed a bright red. "Hey Vi?" Violet looked at Clementine scanning her face carefully. "Yeah?" Violet asked, her curiosity burning inside of her. "Um thanks again for the jacket." Clementine licked her lips and looked at Violet. Violet stepped back and smiled softly. "Oh yeah no problem. Look I gotta go to make sure I have everything ready for my first day tomorrow." Violet tried to excuse herself. "Oh okay, well don't forget Louis and I will be outside at 7 A.M. sharp, Louis waits for no one. You have no idea how many times I ended up having to walk to school." Violet laughs and nods. "You got it, I'll see you tomorrow." Violet waved goodbye and started to walk across the street to her house.

Clementine and Violet knew exactly what this feeling was, that tingling in their legs that made them feel like they could barely stand, that shortness of breath, the blushing, the constant presence of nervousness. All the signs of a crush forming. Neither of them knew what to do about it.

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