It's not like I missed you or anything

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No way. There was no way. It had only been like, ten minuets, Weiss couldn't.. She couldn't actually miss Ruby's company, could she? No, not possible. Weiss had entered the village, and was mumbling to herself with her arms crossed. She kept her cloak tight over her head, knowing that her snow white hair would stand out like a beacon in this little town. Weiss could see children playing in the roads, adults trading goods in the market, just, people. People living in the moment. How she wished she could feel that safe.

She went up to a fruit vendor, and asked a question. "Is there a guild in this town?" The vendor looked her over, noticing her sword poking out from the side of her cloak.

"Lassie, in case ye hadn't noticed, the tallest building in this place be the church." He peeled away at some exotic looking fruit. "Ye'd have to go further north of here, up to the next town."

Weiss groaned internally. She'd planned on doing some quest at a guild to gain income, something like slaying wolves. That she could do. The town she'd originally planned to go to had a guild, but since a certain red dragon had flown her 15 miles off course she wasn't in said town. Some kid ran by Weiss, bumping her and knocking her pack askew. Her map slipped out, and when she bent down to grab it, something else fell. She retrieved her map, and her.. Fruit?

It was one of those odd fruits Ruby had given her. It was still damp from dragon spit, uhg. The fruit vendor slammed his hand on his cart. "M-missy! How'd ye get your hands on one a' those??" He stared at it expectantly.

"This?" Weiss looked at her fruit. It was, just a fruit. Nothing special about it. "I just–" Was given it by a dragon "–found It. In the woods." Weiss coughed a little.

"Let me buy it. I'll give ya 5, no 10 silver coins!" The vendor whispered.

10 silver for a fruit?? "Oh no, you don't want this, its covered in–" dragon spit "–animal spit." Weiss winced at the fruit. "I wouldn't have eaten them if I'd had literally anything else."

"You ate some?? Is there more??" The vendor was leaning over his cart now.

"Well, yes, but I think this one just got into my bag by accident, I uh.. Are you SURE you want it?" Weiss didn't see any reason not to sell it to the guy if he wanted it so badly. And, it would get her some money.

The vendor looked about ready to trade his firstborn child for the fruit. Weiss sold it and went on her way. "Did Ruby accidentally give me some super rare delicacy?" she wondered out loud. It was getting dark now, and since she had money, Weiss went to an inn and got a room for the night. Weiss was in a nice warm bed, under a firm roof. Ruby was sleeping in the woods... No! Don't feel guilty!! She left on her own!! Yeah, after you left her. Aaaahhhggggggggg

Weiss left the inn at about midnight, telling the inkeeper at the front desk that she would be returning within the hour. She complained in a whisper to herself as she marched towards the Forrest. "'Oh no I'm fine leave me here I'm scared of people' then why don't you act like it you DOLT." Weiss returned to the edge of the forest. "Ruby?" She called. "Ruby, come out. Come here!" How was Weiss supposed to call a dragon? Whistling? She tried it, but to no avail.

Weiss heard a branch snap, like someone had stepped on it. "Ruby? Is that you? I wanted to–" Weiss certainly did not expect a giant shadow wolf to jump out of the brush at her. tHiS wAs FiNe!! She'd trained for this!! Weiss whipped out her sword and jumped aside, darting in and out of the wolfs range until she had weakened it enough for a final strike. She plunged her sword into its chest, ending its life. Weiss wiped the sweat off her brow, lowering her hood. The moonlight almost made her hair glow.

She walked back to the inn, pissed that she hadn't found Ruby. She nearly gave the innkeeper a heart attack, slamming the door open and marching back to her room all tattered and covered in blood, after taking a quick bath. She slept until midday the next day. Weiss left her room, and apologized to the innkeeper for scaring her the night before.

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