Fly high

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"Bring back the head of the golden dragon." Ruby read off of the quest board. They'd gone to the inn to try and do a quest together, but Ruby had sped up and gotten to the quest board before Weiss. Rose petals littered the floor of her path. Someone with a broom was glaring at Ruby, looking between her and the rose petals. Weiss offered a word of advice as she walked by.

"Don't worry, they disappear on their own after a few minutes. Don't bother sweeping them." Weiss caught up to Ruby.

Ruby pointed to the dragon quest. "Yang isn't very good at keeping her presence a secret." She said, with a hint of amusement. Weiss was glad Ruby wasn't to worried. The two girls scoured the board, and another quest caught Weiss's eye. 'Slay the red dragon'


"You're not so good yourself, it seems." Weiss nudged Ruby and glanced at the red dragon quest.

"Ah... hahahaha... Yeah.." Ruby rubbed the back of her head awkwardly.

"No matter." Weiss sighed with a smile. "Let's grab something wolf related."

Just as Weiss was reaching for a wolf slaying quest, someone else brushed hands with her, reaching for the same paper. Weiss looked down and saw a girl shorter than her pull her hand back. Her hood covered most of her face, but Weiss could see a brown eye peeking out from behind it. A pink eye. Weiss blinked, and the girls eye was back to brown. Had she imagined that little splash of pink? Probably. The girl ran off before Weiss could say anything, leaving the quest paper behind.

"That means we get it right? She left." Ruby asked, watching the girl run off.

Weiss nodded, unable to follow the short girl with her eyes for to long as she ran into the crowd of people talking and chatting in the guild. Despite the gloomy atmosphere, people still chatted. That was comforting. Weiss brought the quest to the front desk, where the guild secretary, or whatever you call the person that accepts quests for you was called, gave them permission to go.

They went to the forest, a quest to hunt 15 shadow wolves in their possession. After they'd gone a little ways into the forest, Ruby changed into dragon form. She poked Weiss on the shoulder before doing so, remembering her words from last time 'Warn me next time!'. Weiss felt touched that she'd remembered.

[[So! How do you usually hunt them?]] Ruby asked, telepathically.

"Since this forest is so wide and open, and the trees aren't readily climbable, I'd go at them one at a time. Find one, and strike its heart. I've trained enough to have a 97% rate of success when stabbing their hearts!" Weiss added proudly.

[[Hmm. So how should we do it together? I can grab some as a dragon and rip them to shreds, but then you wouldn't need to pierce their hearts.]] Ruby batted at her head, scaring away a bird that had tried to land on her horns.

"We need their nails! That's the proof that we've killed them, we take off their nails and bring them back in a bag. So don't completely destroy them please." Weiss raised an eyebrow at Ruby. "And maybe we can split up the number of wolves to kill. Just, make sure you get the nails."

Ruby nodded, her heads horns scratching a tree as she did. She hissed at the tree in an irritated manner. Weiss tried not to laugh. They walked for a little bit more, when Ruby piped up again. [[Weiss? Can I, offer a suggestion?]]

"Go on." Weiss said, looking up at her.

[[I have a good nose! I think I can track the wolves faster if I just follow my nose. But sometimes I get to into tracking, so I might go faster then you can run. Do you want to sit on me? Like a ride on a horse!]] Ruby puffed a tiny flame out of her mouth as she sent her words into Weiss's head.

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