Too late

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It was a weapons shop. Filled with Swords, Shields, Maces, and various other weapons. Ruby let go of Weiss for the first time that day, and flitted about the products, commenting on how shiny they were or how cool they looked. It was amusing to hear her calling them the wrong names. A hammer was a ball sword. A scythe was a curved/sideways sword. An arrow was a tiny flying sword. Funny little things like that. It seemed that just about every piece of metal that could be used to hit someone was labeled some kind of 'sword' by Ruby. Weiss felt her rapier blade at her hip. Yep, her sword was the best thing for her.

What about Ruby though? While she was a dragon, when in human form she was a bit soft and squishy looking. No scales to speak of. And no claws, either. Getting Ruby a sword or something might be a good idea.

"See anything you like?" The blacksmith running the shop said. He had a large black beard that looked like it could hold a few secret knives in, if he wanted to use it that way.

"We're just looking." Weiss said, gravitating back towards Ruby. Ruby look like she was in heaven. It made sense, for a dragon, Weiss supposed a store full to the brim of shiny things WOULD be very entertaining. Weiss took ahold of Ruby's sleeve, and tugged. "Hello? You in there?" She held back a smile.

It took a few seconds for Ruby to answer. "Huh?" Ruby blinked, remembering where she was. "Oh! Oh yes I'm here! I just... Its so pretty~" she gushed. "I wanna get a curved sword~" she said wistfully.

Hm. Curved sword. A scythe? Weiss made a mental note of that. "Come on, we don't want to bother him to much." Weiss said to Ruby gently.

Ruby pouted but let herself be dragged away. As the were about to leave, they heard a crash. A nail on the shelf above the blacksmith came loose, and a spiked ball and chain came falling at his head. Why did he have that hanging up there? Was all Weiss could think, before she saw a gust of rose petals next to her where Ruby had been a second before. Ruby was standing on the counter, holding the spiked ball in her bare hands, moving it away from the blacksmiths head. She dropped it a second later, on the side of the counter visible to Weiss "Owch!" She yelped.

The rose petals that had scattered about the shop settled, and Ruby whined softly. Weiss saw a bit of blood fall from Ruby's clenched fists. "Ruby! Get down from there!" Weiss barked. She rushed over and took hold of the girls hands, examining them. How was dragon healing?? Did she need to bandage it?? Another drop of blood fell. Yes, bandages were definitely needed, dragon or not.

"It bit me!!" Ruby squeaked, tears in her eyes. Weiss had to turn away as not to laugh.

Weiss helped Ruby off the counter, and tuned to the blacksmith cautiously. "Do you have any bandages we could borrow? Or, do you know where we can get some? We're traveling, and not familiar with the area."

The blacksmith stared blankly. "Uh. Am I drunk? Or did that girl there teleport herself onto the counter to save my hide?" He started moving again, still listening, but moving about to find some bandages.

Weiss thought carefully. How odd was Ruby's power? Could Weiss explain it away by claiming Ruby was a mage? Ah, maybe that was how Yang was a mage! She used her dragon abilities, or her 'semblance' and just told everyone it was magic! Perfect, that'd be perfect. "She's, a mage! Or, trying to be one. She doesn't have a lot of common sense. Hence the spiked ball grabbing." Weiss shrugged

"I didn't know it had TEETH." Ruby interjected.

Weiss glared at her. "They're not TEETH you dolt, look at it!" She grabbed the chain and pulled the ball over. "Its spikes are sharp. Lots of tiny swords, see?"

Ruby's eyes widened. "I do see..! Oh!" Ruby looked back to her hands. "How do I make my hands stop bleeding?"

Weiss winced. "You, can't? Not really? You have to wait for them to heal naturally. It helps to wrap them up so the wound doesn't get infected. Maybe sterilize it with some alcohol."

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