Princess of misunderstandings

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WARNING: this chapter has like uh ok imagine a party popper filled with bloody organs exploding? Yeah. Only for like a paragraph or two tho. Probably won't happen again.


*Authors note:(for those who haven't seen rwby. I know there's at least one of y'all out there): Faunus=a human person with an animal characteristic. Including but not limited too, cat ears, a monkey tail, the ability to change the color of your skin because chameleon, cat feet, fox ears, fox tail, antlers or horns, a mermaid tail instead of legs, Satar legs, bunny ears, scales in random places and sharp teeth, ect... As far as I am aware, no cases of having both animal ears and a tail at the same time exist in Rwby as of volume 6. Its either one or the other. But don't @ me on that honestly idfk.





A *faunus? Now it made sense why Blake had hated her so much on their first meeting.. Her, Weiss, the daughter of the kingdom that had more underground faunus slavery then even mistral! Of course a faunus girl would immediately hate Weiss on sight if she knew who Weiss was. And if Yang knew Blake was a faunus, it would make sense why she suddenly went into attack mode. The Schnee family was famous for their unorthodox treatment of their 'workers' in the underground, Weiss knew.

"You saw." Blake said. Not as a question, more just a tense observation.

Weiss had seen. And was now, very conflicted. Her mind started to wander. Weiss hadn't always been so 'accepting' of the faunus race. In fact, she could say she'd been like her father at one point. Having been raised in such a way that portrayed the faunus to her as no more then dirty criminals, it was to be expected she thought like that once, but something that happened had changed her view on the subject, years ago.

When she was around 14, Weiss didn't have much she liked doing besides training with her sword. She was useless at summoning, and was even beginning to dislike singing since her father only allowed her to preform what he thought was suitable at their castles parties. Weiss found that from a certain point on the inner castle wall, if she used a pair of opera viewing binoculars Winter had given her, she could see into the town marketplace. Such a dirty and commoner riddled place didn't interest her in the slightest..! But, with nothing else to do, she observed them. One girl in particular, she became fond of.

The girl would go to the market and sing for money. Weiss could never hear her voice, but depending on where the girl stood, Weiss could try to read her lips. A few times she read the girl singing some of Weiss's original songs. That made her so happy. Thinking back on it, Weiss realized that that time in her life may have been the start of her beginning to think she might like girls. But sadly, Weiss never got to speak to that girl.

After months of watching and looking for the singing girl in particular to watch every day, something awful happened. The girl was tripped by someone walking by. Not such a bad thing, but when she tripped, her hat fell off. The hat that Weiss had never seen her without. And under that hat, were a pair of horns. She was a faunus.

Some places were fine with faunus. Even in atlas, a faunus could go to the school that trained knights, and graduate top of the class if they worked hard. But that didn't mean that there weren't still many places in the world, and atlas, that despised the faunus very existence. This market was one such place, it seemed. Weiss watched in horror as the girl she'd begun growing fond of was kicked around and had rotten food thrown at her. Why? Why were they doing that, Weiss wondered? This girl had come every day and sung so sweetly for the townspeople, why did her being a faunus change that? A faunus. Faunus were bad. Were they? This girl didn't seem so bad? She wasn't even fighting back..

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