Observation's and revelation's

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It had been 2 days, 2 more days of walking hell since Weiss had been jumped by Ruby and company, and the three had decided to follow Weiss to the next town. She was beginning to get a better read on Yang and Blake's personalities. Blake was how she imagined after meeting her once, silent and sharp. Though she seemed to have a soft side that came out around Yang, especially when they sat next to each other. Blake would nuzzle into her side and Weiss SWORE she heard a purr every now and again, though Blake fervently denied it. Yang on the other hand, was NOT what Weiss had envisioned.

Unlike Weiss had previously assumed, Yang was nothing at all like her sister Winter. Winter was calm, cool, collected, and very strict about most everything. Yang seemed to be her exact opposite, in fact. She was so vocal about her love for her little sister Ruby, and so touchy. She'd randomly hug Ruby, and almost always touch the other person's shoulder when having a conversation. For Blake too, Yang would lean against her or absentmindedly rest her hand on Blake's knee when they were sitting next to each other. Physical affection. Something Weiss wasn't too used to.

Because Weiss was aware of how Yang was acting, she noticed it in Ruby now to. Slight mimicry, just as how Yang would absentmindedly touch Blake to confirm her existence, Ruby did the same to Weiss. The first few times scared Weiss, making her jolt. But Ruby often did it without realizing, so Weiss was slowly becoming used to the small love touches. Almost looking forward to them.

They were taking a break on the side of the road from walking, and Ruby was watching the clouds while sitting next to Weiss on a log. She placed her hand on Weiss's upper thigh. It rested there calmly, and while Weiss was hardly aware of it being there, she took comfort in its presence rather than fearing it.

Ruby realized what she was doing, and stole her hand away. "Sorry! Ah, I'm trying to stop doing that." Ruby rubbed the back of her head awkwardly. She was acting more and more human with each passing day.

"It's fine." Weiss said, gazing at the clouds.

"No I'm, I'm gonna stop, it'll just take a little to get it to be a habit of stopping–" Ruby started rambling.

Weiss glanced over to reassure her. "Really, it's fine."

Ruby pursed her lips and looked at Weiss. "I don't wanna pressure you into anything.." She pouted. So cute!!

Weiss looked away to hide her obvious glee at Ruby's cuteness. "Its, actually something I want to get used to. Being touched by another person and feeling something other than fear."

"Fear?" Ruby tilted her head. She put a hand to her chin, mulling over Weiss's words. Her mood dropped. "I'm sorry, I'll try not to hurt you anym–"

"Ruby, it's not hurting me. You've never hurt me." Weiss felt a stab of guilt. No matter how many times Weiss told Ruby that it wasn't her fault that she had tried to leave, Ruby seemed insistent on blaming herself.

Ruby put her hands in her lap. "Your eye."

Weiss scoffed. Her eye? She hadn't even felt that!! It was when she was sleeping! She'd rather have a scar on her eye, then have been DEAD. Which is what she would have been if Ruby had just let her fall off that cliff back when they first met. didn't she tell Ruby she liked the scar a few days ago? Did she forget that? How could she stop Ruby from being so, melancholic? She wasn't sure. And the fact that she wasn't sure how to fix the situation was killing her. She needed to get away for a little while. Weiss stood and left, stalking off towards a shady spot in the trees. Ruby stayed on the log.

Weiss felt a familiar hand on her shoulder. Blake? "I need to talk with you." Blake said, before dragging Weiss off into the forest away from the others.

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