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"–and that's what happened." Weiss finished speaking. Her and Blake had met up with Yang, who was frantically searching for something. Weiss explained what had happened to her, the whole traveling with Nora and being nabbed by hazel, but Yang was only half listening.

"I'm an idiot I'm an IDIOT!!" Yang cursed herself. "I've been scanning crowds for that stupid red hood!! But you have it!! I should have been looking for white!!" Yang banged her head against the wall just nearby.

"Ah, yes, we switched last night." Weiss held out her arm a bit to properly look at the cloak she was wearing. The red cloak. Ruby's red cloak. Weiss's cloak wasn't to dirty when she switched it, right..? It didn't smell weird or anything? Though, maybe since Ruby was a dragon she'd be able to smell Weiss's essence on the cloak regardless? Essence?? What does that even mean?? Whatever.

It had been about a half an hour, and Hazel was nowhere to be seen. That was good. It meant he wouldn't blindly chase after Weiss through a crowded market in broad daylight. Honestly, that kind of courtesy was SO nice in an enemy!

"How long has Ruby been gone? Last I saw her she was under the bed back at the inn.." Weiss wondered out loud, her concern growing.

Yang froze. "Wait. Under the bed?" 

Weiss turned towards her and tilted her head with a look of disbelief. "Did you not CHECK there??"

Yang stayed silent, but started speed walking to the street the inn was on. Weiss followed.

"Don't mind me, not like I'm shopping for supplies or anything! I'll meet you back at the inn later!" Blake huffed after Weiss and Yang.

Weiss stopped, and looked back to shout "Was that, sarcastic?? Do you need help??"

Blake waved a hand and shook her head, giving a tired half smile, and shouted back. "Go find your girlfriend dummy! And keep an eye on mine too!" 

Weiss waved as well, and trotted off after Yang again. They reached the inn in a matter of minuets, but someone was waiting at the door to Weiss's room, and it wasn't Ruby.

Weiss couldn't hide the surprise in her voice. "Henry?" did he know what room she was staying in?? Weiss had made sure to keep that information secret from him!

He saw her approaching, and smiled. "Oh hey Weiss! What a coincidence!" He leaned against the wall and stretched, as if to show he'd been waiting a while.

"...hello. Why are you, here?" Weiss asked cautiously.

Yang looked back and forth between the two, her brows furrowing. "Oh!" She chirped as she made a fist and slapped it against her palm. "Number 4!" 

Weiss ignored Yang and waited for Henrys response. "I was just in the neighborhood. Thought I'd, stop by and see if you were busy~" he was trying to sound flirty, but it just made Weiss want to gag. She held it in.

"I'm in the middle of something right now, I need to get past–" Weiss tried to say, but was cut off.

Henry sighed and rolled his eyes. "Come on, humor me will ya? Just give me a chance, I know you're no dating anyone. I'll make it worth your while!" he said, still blocking the door to Weiss's room.

Yang's arm twitched, and Weiss moved her hand behind her to pinch her before she could throw a punch. Yang seemed unfazed by it. She looked over at Weiss, her eyes clearly asking 'can i kill him now?' Weiss replied back with a look that said 'I'll tell Blake on you'. That made Yang grumble an look away.

"I really don't have the time at the moment, now if you'll please move..." Weiss asked gently.

Henry scoffed. "Fine. I'll come by some other time. Don't think you can run, I know where you live!" He joked with a wink, walking past them and down the stairs.

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