THINK before you ACT

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Weiss and Ruby had sat on that bench for a while. Eventually, Ruby got ancy enough to move, and Weiss followed. They needed to go to the guild at some point, so Weiss suggested going there now, as she'd regained the ability to think clearly and speak after walking a few minuets.

"I need to register there, and I was thinking of registering you too. If you wanted to try going on a quest with me." Weiss said as they walked.

Ruby's eyes sparkled. "Yes! A thousand times yes!" She was practically bouncing in place. Weiss smiled softly.

They reached the guild, and the aura of dread that had lingered about outside the city returned. The guild in the last city had battle hardened warriors, but the people here just looked like they were about to go on a death march.

Weiss didn't have her hood up this time as she approached the front desk, so no one approached her thinking she'd kidnapped Ruby or something. It was indeed less concerning to see two girls walking together, then to see one girl being dragged around by some hooded figure. Which is what Weiss assumed people had thought of her last time. She handed over her ID to register. "Yours too Ruby." Weiss held out a hand.

"Right!" Ruby fished around in the little brown dresses pocket, and pulled out her ID. A stick fell out of her pocket as well. It looked like the kind of stick you'd put a street food on. Ruby scooped it up quick as lightning, so fast Weiss wondered if it had even been there in the first place. But Ruby's shifty glance told her it had. Interesting..

Weiss and Ruby sat at one of the tables in the guild, as they waited for their cards to be verified. Weiss spoke up. "Ruby? What was that stick that fell out of your pocket earlier?"

Ruby looked away from Weiss. "...esure."

"Its what?" Weiss couldn't quite hear Ruby.

"It's my treasure!" Ruby yipped.

Treasure? A stick? "Why?" Weiss wondered.

Ruby pulled it our of her pocket and showed Weiss. "Look. Its from the apple. That you got me." Ruby pulled it back and held it close to her heart,her cheeks flushed a little. "Its the first thing you gave me~"

Oh. Weiss rubbed the back of her head and looked to the side. Normally, she'd scold Ruby and tell her to throw something like that away, but, she seemed attached to it.. So it probably wasn't to much trouble to let her hang onto it. That caramel apple really had been the first thing she'd given Ruby. Weiss recalled telling Ruby that she was only letting her use the brown dress since there was nothing else around. Quite the tsundere she'd been playing, she thought as she winced at her past actions. They really needed to get Ruby a proper outfit.

Weiss thought a for a few moments. A little while ago, she'd finally confirmed that she felt romantic affection towards Ruby. But what now? It was clear as day that Ruby loved her, she'd even admitted to her sister that she wanted to claim Weiss as her girlfriend. So, was Weiss just supposed to tell Ruby she felt the same now? Weiss remembered back to when Ruby had accidentally pinned her against the side of the bed in an inn, and asked straight up if she could kiss her. Could Weiss recreate a similar situation? Maybe??

Weiss shook her head. No, she'd implode before she was even two feet away from Ruby if she tried that. She needed some reason, or excuse for her to say it. Weiss wasn't bold enough to just tell Ruby outright for no reason. Huhh... Why was this so difficult... Was there anyone she could ask for advice on this? Maybe Yang? Oh no, GOD no, if Weiss told Yang she would run over to Ruby and tell her immediately. And say something like 'you both like each other, so its not big deal~!'. Uhhgggggg

Perhaps Blake could help. She'd already thought Weiss and Ruby were together. Maybe she'd have a tip for confessing? Confessing to someone who you'd previously told you didn't love them? Hopefully... She needed to talk to Blake anyways, she hadn't brought it up since the cave, but Weiss was still curious as to who had wanted Blake to capture her. And as to who had posed as her mother.

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