Remember children, murder is BAD

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WARNING: Blood! Again! This chapter may feature someone getting sliced clean in half! You know that video of the guy slicing water bottles with a katana? Yeah imagine that but like with a person. Yeah. Its real quick tho! Just, letting you know its there in case you really hate that stuff! Also thanks for reading. Love y'all. ♥♥♥♥

Weiss struggled against the larger guys hold, but it was no use. A wave of fear washed over her, the fear you get when you're stuck in a tight place and can't move. The person in front of her pulled on one of Weiss's arms, holding out a knife. Weiss didn't know what he was planning on doing with said knife, but whatever it was couldn't have been good. The hand of the guy covering her mouth held her a little tighter, covering her nose by accident. Weiss couldn't breath. She kicked and kicked, but still to no avail. Her vision started to blur and the knife touched her forearm.

A spluttering slashing sound graced Weiss's ears. Huh? Something hard crashed onto her side, and she realized she'd been thrown to the ground. Weiss sucked in a deep gulp of air, gasping for breath. A metallic scent filled the room. Weiss shook her head and quickly sat up, trying to get her bearings. She was sitting in something wet.

As her head cleared she was able to see what was happening. Well, mostly. Two figures were fighting not 10 feet away from her. Weiss frantically scrambled back, scooting up to the farthest wall from them. The pale moonlight lit up only patches of the room, making it difficult for Weiss to tell who was winning, much less who they even were. But she could assume that one of them was the person who had just been holding her. But, where was her second captor?

There were two lumps in the opposite corner of the room, Weiss saw. Could they be the second one? But there were two lumps there, not on–... .....Oh. Oh god..! Weiss covered her mouth and stared. As her eyes adjusted to the dark, she could see exactly what those two fallen lumps were. A body sliced straight through the waist into two. Weiss just barely managed not to scream, and a second later flung her hands away from her mouth, wiping them on her clothes. As she expected, the wet feeling that had been on her hands left dark stains. She shuddered at the thought of how messy her face must have been.

A loud crack sounded, as the larger of her two captors fell to the ground with his arm bent an unnatural way. And the one who had made him like that, bathed in silver moonlight, was Ruby. Ruby panted heavily, her red claws dripping a dark liquid Weiss didn't want to admit was blood. The claws started to shrink. Weiss watched in awe as all of Ruby's semi dragon features slowly shrunk into non existence, leaving behind only the cute messy girl Weiss had fallen in love with. Well... At least they had the half dragon sickness thing solved now! Ruby's clothes were torn and soaked red, and the poor girl was exhausted. But she seemed happy. Ruby turned her eyes to Weiss, childish glee shining brighter than the sun ever could.

"YOU'RE OK!!" She croaked, her voice cracking halfway through. Ruby threw herself onto Weiss, knocking her down into another puddle of sickly smelling blood. Weiss grimaced, but wrapped her arms around Ruby all the same. Ruby had saved her. Weiss didn't want to admit it, but she'd been so scared, confined and unable to breath, that was something she never wanted to experience again. The only closeness she was willing to accept right now was a hug from Ruby.

Ruby propped herself up a bit above Weiss, staring down into her eyes with a wide smile. She closed them a second later, nuzzling Weiss's forehead with her own. Weiss felt a pang of sadness in her heart. This girl had literally just killed someone for Weiss, but all she was concerned with was Weiss safety. She was so happy just knowing Weiss was alright. What lengths would she go to for Weiss? Weiss didn't want to become like an 'owner' for Ruby. She had to help this girl become a little more streetwise, maybe give her some lessons on common sense. You know, take it slow. Ruby's smile was so dazzling. Take it slow. Weiss definitely didn't want to pressure her into anything, Ruby needed to learn proper human morals. Take it slow. Now wasn't the time for anything sentimental.

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