I'm here

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Ruby looked like she'd gotten quite the lecture, Weiss observed when her and Yang came back inside. But she also had an air of satisfaction about her. Weiss wasn't sure why, but it might have had something to do with whatever she was shoving in her pocket. A string?

Yang and Blake had rented two rooms at an inn nearby. Each room with only one bed, Weiss discovered. Which was fine, she'd shared a bed with Ruby before, in the other inn. But... She hadn't shared a bed with Ruby while simultaneously being aware of her personal feelings for the girl. ....Uh-oh. It was getting late, so Yang and Blake left Ruby and Weiss to their own devices in their room. Weiss and Ruby sat on opposite sides of the bed. Weiss was hyper aware of Ruby's presence. Every little move she made, made Weiss want to jump. Why was she so tense?? So scared?? Ruby felt the same!! This was simple!!

Weiss started having an argument with the dark side of her mind. Just tell her, and it'll be fine! But what if it isn't. How could it not be?! You've never been in a relationship before. Look at your family relations, do you think you could keep a girlfriend if you can't even act friendly with your father or brother? You'll bore her soon enough. She's a dragon, she could leave you in an instant. You already tried to leave her once, she wouldn't feel bad for doing the same. She'll leave you just like mother, just like Winter, just like everyone does. But what if she doesn't? What if she does.

"AHHHGG!" Weiss banged her head against the wall (on purpose) in frustration, startling Ruby.

"Uh. You ok Weiss..?" Ruby said from the other side of the bed.

Weiss buried her face in her hands, angry at her inability to do that one simple thing. Confess. Confessss!! "No." Weiss mumbled through her hands. "My brain hurts."

"Does it hurt because you hit it? Or because its thinking of bad things?" Ruby wormed her way onto Weiss's side of the bed, her head next to Weiss's thighs. She scuttled up a little more and used them as a pillow, gazing gazing up at Weiss. Her silver eyes almost glowed in the dimly lit room. A lot about Ruby glowed. Her smile, her cheeriness, her– stop! Stop!! Weiss shook her head, clearing her mind of her dark thoughts, and more recent gay thoughts. She rested a hand on Ruby's head, fluffing up her hair a little. Ruby closed her eyes and curled into a ball as much as she could while still resting her head in Weiss's lap. Weiss smiled softly. She'd begun smiling a lot more since she'd met Ruby.

"I love you Weiss." Ruby said quietly, happily nuzzling Weiss's thighs while her hair was played with. I love you too, Weiss thought to herself. She almost wished that her habit of accidentally speaking her thoughts allowed would show through just then. But it didn't. Weiss vowed to herself that she would tell Ruby her feelings the very next day.

...Which of course, didn't happen. The next week was mostly uneventful. Ruby and Weiss wandered about the city, getting used to it. Weiss did a quest on her own, killing some shadow wolves again. Since the trees were so big and spread apart in the forest near this town, she couldn't use her 'gather a bunch and stab their hearts all at once' method. She had to track them down one by one, which took a good two days.

Weiss had so far successfully avoided the guy her and Ruby had taken the dragon scale from. Or more like, he just wasn't around. Odd. Weiss often thought she felt someone watching her, but a few times she saw Blake around a corner or something after that feeling, so she began ignoring it. Which may not have been very wise.

It was all fine and peachy (except for Weiss's constant gay struggle to try and confess her love for Ruby) until one afternoon, when Weiss and Ruby were sitting on a bench together eating street food. Weiss spent her whole life in a castle, so it was fun to try all these fried and grease covered options that seemed so abundant in the city. Weiss had just finished her 'mystery meat on a stick' meal, when she saw him. Him. The guy from before, who they had stolen the dragon scale from. Weiss choked on air and hurriedly flipped her hood up, to try and hide herself.

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