I don't own anything, not the characters and barely the plot.
Next Friday morning Percy was excited- no, that was an understatement. She was excited beyond words. She woke up in the morning and nearly jumped out of her bed, her routine continued as usual and during school she found her mind wandering off during the lessons more often than before.
When school had finally come to a close for the week she went to the mountain alongside Megan and Connor. Megan was even more excited than her, and Connor probably didn't understand how they could to get to their levels of excitement.
Before they walked into the mountain Percy took a deep breath and relaxed. They walked into the mountain and Percy had her excitement under full control. She ran through a list in her head. Yes, everything was ready. The result of their baking, cookies and all other types of treats, were in the fridge, which had been locked to keep Wally away. Now all they had to do was wait. Roy was going to bring pizza and other food for dinner.
When the clock turned 6 the zeta beams announced Roy's, or Red Arrows arrival. Punctual as ever, Percy thought. He stepped out of the zeta tube, in casual clothes and with a backpack slung over his shoulder.
"Guys! Roy's here!" Percy yelled.
Wally quickly sped here, then came Robin, after Robin came Megan, after her Artemis and after Artemis, Connor came.
"Uh, where should I put this?" Roy asked, pointing to the backpack he had slung over his shoulder and the bag of food in his hands.
Percy took the bag out of his hand and put it in the kitchen, locking it into the pantry.
"I'll show you," Wally said before running down, accidentally going into speedster speeds.
"Slow down, will you?" Roy yelled running after him.
Wally ran towards him and stopped.
"Sorry," he said and grinned sheepishly.
Roy just sighed and shook his head. Then Wally walked towards Connors room, Roy following.
"This is going to be so much fun!" Megan squealed as the girls headed to their room, or the room they would be staying in; Percy's room.
They walked in and Percy sat down on the sea-green sheets of the bed. The black pillows seemed as fluffy as ever. The TV in front of the bed was ready to be used. On a chair in front of her desk, three sets of pajamas lay. Artemis, Megan, and her pajamas. They all took turn changing into the comfortable pajamas.
Artemis' pajamas consisted of a green shirt with a black bow and arrow, along with a green pair of pajama shorts. Percy wore a black shirt with a sea-green trident on it, along with a pair of sea-green pajama shorts. Megan wore a light pink shirt with a pink pair of pajama shorts. They all wore slippers, Artemis wore green ones, Percy wore black ones and Megan wore pink ones.
In Connors room, the boys had also put on their pajamas. Wally wore a yellow shirt with red shorts. Kaldur wore a red shirt with black sweatpants. Robin wore a red shirt and black shorts. Roy wore pajamas much like Kaldur's, and Connor wore one of his black shirts with a red Superman logo, along with black sweatpants. Just like the girls, they wore slippers, everyone's except Wally's was black, while his were red.
At 6:30 they met up at the kitchen, made the table, and got ready to eat. Pizza and some other stuff were stationed over the table and the group of superheroes started eating, talking too.
"Remember that one time where Wally sneezed and-"
Percy was cut off by Wally grounding and putting his face in his hands.
"What's the problem, Baywatch? Embarrassed?" Artemis taunted.
Laughter filled the table, even Wally couldn't hide his laughs.
"What is it with you guys and giving me nicknames? I mean, I know I'm awesome but..." he said and winked at the girls as a response said girls rolled their eyes, and Roy glared at him, slightly, and it went unnoticed by everyone except Percy and probably Robin (for obvious reasons).
"Hey, don't worry, Wall, you're not the only one with nicknames. I have Red," Roy said.
"Yeah, but that a cool nickname! I have Baywatch, Kid Idiot and..." he prepared his mouth to say the most dreaded of his nicknames. Call him an idiot, Baywatch, but to call him a mustard bottle, that was just... Percy crossed the line with that nickname. "Mustard Bottle."
The table was filled with laughter once again.
The dinner continued joyously, with laughter, jokes and many other things.
This is getting a little too cliche, Percy thought. Then she nodded at Roy, starting their plan for mischief. Roy smiled and nodded back at her, before excusing himself from the table, using the good old excuse 'I have to use that bathroom'.
Another wave of excitement rushed over her and she saw the big bucket stationed over Wally's head. No one noticed anything, and if they did, they just didn't do anything. Then the moment came and the bucket flipped, pouring its contents on Wally. Wally looked up as a waterfall of a yellow liquid, or not really liquid, hit his body and face.
Percy immediately jumped up from her seat, pointed a finger at him and exclaimed, "Now, you truly look like a mustard bottle!"
Artemis fell down from her chair, laughing and so did Robin. Connor laughed and so did Kaldur. Roy quickly made his way to the table only to stumble and fall to the ground due to laughter. Percy was also on the floor laughing. Now, Connor and Kaldur were laughing, but sitting up on their chairs, while the rest, except Wally, was rolling around on the floor clutching their stomachs, laughing like there was no tomorrow.
To be continued...

I Thought It Was Over (Fem!Percy x YJ)
ActionPersephone 'Percy' Jackson. A simple name in the mortal world. In the godly world, not so much. In the godly world Percy Jackson was famous, praised, and adored. Why? She's save the world. Not just once, but twice! After saving the world for the se...