Okay, so earlier today I was looking through Tumblr and I care across this horrible piece of information. Honestly, it's awful, terrifying, disgusting and just sick.
So, let me type it out for you:
If you don't remember Sophia M. Herold, she is a German girl, who is extremely homophobic and transphobic. She has found out LGBTQ persons names, addresses, personal info etc. And set up her own database.
Her intentions with this are harmful. She is sending out this information, your information, your best friends information, some one you love and care about. She's sending it to hate groups, malicious people, people with bad intentions.
And if you think I'm blowing this out of proportion, people have been kicked out of their homes, disowned by their families and even murdered. Yes, murdered. Innocent people who have done nothing but love.
She has numerous blogs and each have been removed. Tumblr staff (like I said, I found this on Tumblr) are aware of her, and as far as I'm aware she currently doesn't have a blog, but this does not mean she isn't still on peoples tumblrs, asking via anon (asking anonymously) where you live, what your name is.
She's sending out information of same sex couples with children so the children can be kidnapped. She entitled it "time to strike back". If that doesn't suggest harmful intentions, I don't know what does.
Please be extremely careful with what you post on Tumblr, on Twitter, Facebook, anywhere! Do NOT give out your full name, your address, or even the town in which you live. Look out for one another, and don't answer any suspicious anons. Especially if they use your name in quotation marks.
Sophia M. Herold is still out there, she always will be, so please spread this message and warn people. She's attacking in silence. We don't need more people dying because of her actions. This disgusting excuse of a human being needs to be stopped, but the only way she can be stopped is if you spread this! Please, be aware of any suspicious anons (or messages) or anons asking for personal information. It can get you and/or your loved ones in SERIOUS DANGER. Thank you.
When I read this I couldn't help feeling very afraid and even I live in a very safe country where our first terrorist attack was only a few years ago... or so I'm pretty sure. So, guys, please spread this. Tell your friends and loved ones cause this is just disgusting!
Since you can't copy and paste this, please just screenshot it if you don't want to type it down word for word. This just really needs to be spread out over Wattpad!

I Thought It Was Over (Fem!Percy x YJ)
ActionPersephone 'Percy' Jackson. A simple name in the mortal world. In the godly world, not so much. In the godly world Percy Jackson was famous, praised, and adored. Why? She's save the world. Not just once, but twice! After saving the world for the se...