May 22, 2014

43 3 1

 It seemed too early in the morning to function. It must have been eleven or noon, but I could still sleep for another few hours.

Still, my phone buzzed persistently. I groaned as I flipped over, grasping my phone in one hand. I didn’t even care to check the number, or who the ID might belong to. “Hello?”

“Hey, Anna.”

I don’t sit straight up in bed like they do in the movies. What I do instead; I practically fall off the edge, barely placing a foot to the ground before colliding with the floor. My eyes widen and I feel all breath leave my lungs. “Hey, Luke.”

I hadn’t spoken to him since London. Why the hell was he calling me now?

“I was just in the area…” Who just happens to be half way across the world? “I was wondering if you maybe wanted to get lunch or something.”

I leave a pause, trying to gather some kind of thought. “Um, yea, sure.”

“Cool, do you know any places? I’m just kind of in town for a few days…”

“Yea,” I stand finally, running a hand through my tangled hair. “I just got up…”

“Oh, god, sorry,” He pauses for a minute before chuckling. “Anna, you know it’s like noon, right?”

I don’t even crack a smile. “Yea, yea I know.” I throw my blankets back up onto my bed. “Can I just text you? I can come get you and we can go out somewhere, alright? I’ll just text you.”

“Alright,” Luke pauses; I can tell he’s biting at his lip ring. “Sorry about how sudden this was… I just knew that you lived down here now… I was just in town...”

“No, no;” I answer too quickly and sigh. I run another hand through my hair. “It’s fine. I just wasn’t expecting it is all.”

“Alright…” Luke rolls it off. “Just text me alright, I’ll be around for a few days if you can’t hang out today…”

I sigh again. “No, today’s fine. I promise, sorry, I’m just…”

“I’ll talk to you later, alright?”

“Yea, I’ll text you.”


“Alright… See ya.”

“Bye” I hang up.

Fuck. What the hell am I supposed to do? There is a knock on the door thirty seconds after I put the phone down. I groan, nearly flopping back into bed and crawling into a ball.

But because I am such a kind and respectful human being, I decide to go and answer the door. Trudging over there, my entire body sags with nonexistent fatigue. I nearly snap at the figure at the door, but lighten when I see the face.

“Wh- Hey,” I slide the door open farther and let him follow me inside.

“Hey,” Michael chuckles. He comes in behind me, shutting the door while I slide onto the couch. “Did you want to hang out today?”

Glaring up at him, I slam my head down into the pillows, blocking him from sight.

“Should I take that as a no?” Michael chuckles again, moving my legs and placing them on his lap as he sits next to me.

I shake my head in the pillow. “I guess I have plans.”

“You guess?”

I sigh again, lifting my head. I cock it to the side, wanting to roll my eyes. “An ex of mine is in town and wants to get lunch.” I explain.

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