June 1, 2014

47 3 0

Things had been going well. Luke texted me throughout the day, as if we were just down the street and I wasn’t down under. It did get lonely, not being able to have him next to me in bed or kiss him good morning. But Michael made up for it, he kept me busy. I saw him so much; he might as well have lived with me.

Speaking of, my phone buzzed on the couch. I reach over and grabbed it, flipping through another text from Luke. As I read it, I smiled to myself.

The door swung open, something I was now used to. I just kept it unlocked most of the day, if I wasn’t home or asleep it was kept unlocked. Michael strutted in, not surprising. He was the only person to ever let himself in. Hell, he was the only one who ever came in.

He had a wondrous shade of red brushed through his hair. It looked almost as if it could be taken for an orange, a very dark red-orange, but it was in fact red.

“Are you talking to Luuuuuke?” Michael exaggerated, rolling his eyes. He made his way around to the fridge, grabbing out a Coke.

“Yea, will you bring me a beer?” I ask, barely glancing over my shoulder.

I text Luke back, mentioning that he was an idiot. Michael delivered the beer to me, sitting across from me and opening his Coke. “How is the kid?”

Luke was just a bit younger than Michael, a year or so, but he still referred to him as a kid. I was about Luke’s age, just a few months younger. “That kid is grand.” I nod.

“He’s so strange, who would want a long distance relationship? I never liked long distance and obviously you don’t either, I mean that’s why you broke up with him in the first place, right?” Michael scoffs, turning his attention to his drink.

I shake my head slightly, a bit confused, but determined to refute him. “No necessarily. I mean, I’ve just had bad experiences before, I thought he might find someone else. I was afraid he might cheat like-“I pause, ignoring my near reveal. “Anyway, I guess he didn’t find anyone and I can’t not trust him for the rest of my life, so I figured why not give it another chance, you know?”

Michael swirls his finger around the edge of the can. “I guess, I just think long distance isn’t worth it. I mean, a relationship is all about enjoying someone, right? It’s about being there for someone and being able to talk to them and laugh with them… Long distance doesn’t do that. It’s pointless.”

“I guess,” I shrug, not feeling like arguing with him. Although I was getting frustrated, I decided to keep my mouth shut.

“I mean, is it really worth it? You said you had trouble with long distance, what happened? God, I could never do it-“

“Michael, shut up.” I breathe out. My teeth are clenched together. I take a deep breath, shutting my eyes tightly for a minute. This expels the anger, instead replacing it with regret.

 “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” I shake my head. “I just don’t really want to even think about it.”

Michael shuts his mouth, understanding and nodding. “Sorry, you must miss him a lot, huh?”

Nodding, I prop my elbow up on the couch. I rest my head against my hand. “Yea, I do. He’s like my best friend.”

A pout overtakes the look he had on his face. “I thought I was your best friend.” He crosses his arms jokingly.

“You areee.” The word drags, mimicked by my arms wrapping around his shoulders. “He’s my second best friend, you’re number one.”

“That’s fucking right,” Michael hugged me back. When the moment passes, Michael throws out an idea. “We should go out…go do something.”

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