January 2, 2015

32 3 0

For the past few hours, I had been absentmindedly glaring at my phone. Not without breaks, but mostly that is what had consumed my time. Michael was planning out some of the dates and arenas for his upcoming tour. I sat across the table from him and his multitude of plans, only adding in commentary when snapped out of my daze. I was supposed to be supervising, mentioning the places that might impact the tour the most. The only reason I was actually there was because I had the experience with these areas.

“Anna?” One of the other managers snapped his fingers. I absolutely hated it when people did that. I’m not a dog, I don’t need to be obedient to your commands you arrogant-

“How many dates do you think we should have in London?” Michael grinned.

Ever since he told me the other day about his first tour, he hadn’t stopped smiling. When the label had told him, they presented it like a Christmas gift, something that must have blown every other Christmas gift out of the water. Michael was jittery, barely getting sleep when the first date wasn’t for months.

“May two or three? I’m not sure. It depends on how many tickets you are going to be selling.” I mumble, trying to seem interested.

I was extremely ecstatic for Mikey’s accomplishment as this is what he had worked his entire life towards. The only thing that was distracting me was the pending text from Calum that was taking too damn long to arrive. I had sent him a quick text this morning to greet him and there still was not a response.


I snap my head up to face Michael. “Yea?”

“Everything alright?”

“Yea, yea, just fine.” I flash him an overly large grin. “Peachy.”

“Alright…” He turns back to hover over the map accompanying the long list of cities across the globe.

It was ridiculous to think that Michael had gotten so popular within a few months. His first tour, his first world tour, was to be kicking off in a few months. It may even take a year to plan at the rate they were going. They had only planned out some of the countries and major cities to visit, not yet having planned the stage setup, the set list, hired an opening act…

My phone buzzed against the table, sending me into a state of shock. Michael and the manager, Tom I believe, look up, smiling a bit after having seen me jump in my seat.


Hey, what’s up?              

My stomach spins, twirling around the contents of my breakfast. Easing up in my seat, I let out a deep breath, hoping it would hide the grin across my cheeks.


Not much, just sitting around at work. How are you?


I’m alright. Are you free tonight? I need to apologize for leaving so quickly the other night.

I squirm in my seat, trying to hide the grin behind my phone. Neither of the pair at the end of the table seems to notice.


Yea I’m free. What time?


Like 7? Wear something nice ;)


I’ll plan on it

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