January 8, 2015

30 3 4

My fingers wrap around the blankets as I stretch and yawn. My elbow grazes against a warm body, calming me immediately. My gaze follows next, landing on the musician lying next to me. His chest rises and falls in perfect melodies, his head tilted to the side and slightly open.

His bare chest is warm under my cold touch and I reach to pull the covers farther up towards his chin. Exactly as I move to do this, he sighs in his sleep, making me cautious of waking him. I rest my head on his shoulder, kissing it and closing my eyes again. I could wake up to this every day for the rest of my life.

It didn’t matter anymore that he wasn’t there the other day. He was here now and he was all I needed. This was all I needed. The laughter through kisses, the way his hand landed on my waist when he pulled me close, the notes he left even if he wasn’t there. He was everything I couldn’t even begin to imagine.

I always found it strange how little it took for me to fall for people. Within having spent a few hours with him, I was imagining waking up to him every day. The idea scared me a bit. What happened if this didn’t work out? There will again be a day when I wake up alone in bed, having only the blankets to hold me?

For now I’ll appreciate the time I have with him. Even if when he woke up he told me to get out, I needed to appreciate this. I may never get another chance to hold him like this again.

Simultaneously, I wanted to discover. I wanted to find out what his room looked like in the daylight. It seemed fairly normal, clothes shoved in corners, dressers stacked with pictures of friends and family, a bass here, an amp there. He had stacks upon stacks of CD’s. He had vinyls and a record player. The one vinyl on top of the stack was Green Day, a dusty version of American Idiot.

Did he have his own CD? Michael did, but he was signed to a label too. Was Calum’s band signed? If they weren’t, could I get them signed onto Skyline? I probably could.

Calum mumbled beside me. He stretched a bit, pushing me slightly. When his touch fell on me, I could see a smile grasping at his lips. He reached over, flipping onto his side and pulling me into his chest.

“Hey,” He grinned, his eyes still closed and pressed a kiss into my hair.

“Hey,” I breathed, easing back into his chest.

Calum’s arms flexed around me a bit as he situated himself. His fingers trailed down along my spine, ending at my waist. “I’m glad you’re still here.”

I couldn’t help myself. With a bit of morning laughter I retort, “Oh, just like you were?”

He smiles, stretching again. “I thought you might leave to get back at me.”

“I would never,” I promise.

“Good,” He pulls me in tighter, resting his touch on the small of my back. “I want you to stay.”

I tilt my head up and place a sloppy kiss at his jawline. I rest against shoulder, wrapping my arms around his torso.

Of all of the places I had ever woken up in, this must be the most memorable. I had seen sunlight come in from France, England, the United States… but none of them compared to Australia. No rays of light amounted to the same leisurely weight floating around the room. There wasn’t a French breeze or the smell of the city. There wasn’t a layer of dust surrounding a city that could only be described as ancient.

Everything was new. No sunlight came into the room. There was a smell of sweat and masculinity. There was a steady aura to the air. The sound was astounding, another person’s breathing. Another life that wanted to press against mine. It wasn’t infiltrating, it was pure seduction. The comfortable admission of socializing in this relationship was an unknown need.

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