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"every second with you I want another"

It's been a week since her encounter with Sean at her house, a week since he asked her to dance with him and since then she has been avoiding seeing him. She thought that if she pushed him out of her life once more then everything would go back into the usual and normal.

But the problem was that the normal was boring, the usual was boring. Also, there was the fact that Sean didn't seem willing to just let her push him out. He wasn't pressuring her but he was always there throwing cute smiles at her in classes and every reunion with their friends.

But he never approached her or asked again, he gave her space to think as he said he would, and for that, she was thankful because she already was under too much stress with her real partner.

Gabe was still mad at her even though he said that everything was fine, and she knew it because he was always given her a hard time. So even though she really didn't enjoy conflicts and fights that was pretty much the only thing they did the whole week.

She sighed as they rehearsed choreography of his own creation, they had been doing that for hours and they couldn't get past a very simple move together.

It wasn't his fault and neither was hers, in Kaycee's mind, it was Sean's fault because every since she danced with him it was like if everything she tried to do with Gabe was out of time and synchrony.

"What's the problem? Aren't you having fun dancing with me Kaycee? " He said in a very passive-aggressive way.

"Please don't start with that."She said walking away from him to drink some water.

"I don't know what you are talking about." He said walking to the computer.

"Yes you do, you are still giving me a hard time because I danced with Sean." She said. "But you know what? It's been a week, Gabe, get over it."

"Wow, where's all of that coming from. You've never talked to me like this before." He was surprised because Kaycee would never really act her mind, she would always be nice no matter what.

"Well, maybe I'm tired of caring a smile on my face while I'm being treated like trash." She said letting out a sigh.

"Hey, I'm sorry okay?" He said to her with a kind smile. "I shouldn't be treating you like this."

He expected for her to melt into his kind words, as she normally would. But she didn't. "You're right, you shouldn't."

He took a deep breath. "Come on, bunny why we don't forget all of this and go from the top?"

"Actually, you should go home." She said after sighing again. "Bailey it's going to be here in a few minutes so we can get ready for Josh's party."

"You're going?" He asked confused. "You never go to the parties."

"She insisted so..." She said.

"Okay." He grabbed his bag and gave her a quick kiss on her cheek. "I see you at the party then."

Once he left she texted Bailey to meet her at her house so they could get ready for the party, her friend was surprised but gladly said that she would be at the other's house in twenty. She asked her parents if she could go to the party and since they trusted her it wasn't a problem.

Bailey was there even before she said she would and carrying a huge bag with lots of clothes and makeup. Kaycee was already ready, laying in her bed as her friend was doing her makeup in the mirror.

there's no way | seaycee (sean and kaycee)Where stories live. Discover now