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"We knew someday that we would have regrets but we just ignored them"

No one really knew why they stopped being friends and no one understood it either. But she remembered very damn well the last time they hang out together just the two of them — she was thirteen and he was fourteen by the time, it was actually two days after his birthday and she remembered telling him that Gabe had invited her to be his partner to a competition they had an eye on.

To be honest, she wasn't going to say yes, she didn't really understand why but she ran to tell him hoping that he would ask her not to do it.

Okay maybe she had a crush on him back then and the best friends thing was just a cover-up for her but come on she was thirteen and shy — she knew Sean wanted to go to that competition too so she hoped that maybe he would want to go with her, but he didn't.

All he did once she told him was that he was happy for her and that she should say yes.

And so she did, and after that nothing was the same anymore between them — she wouldn't have as much time to be with him as before and he started going to parties with his friends now and then, always with a different girl. She remembered how much she cried when he didn't show up to watch her first presentation with Gabe or the first time he didn't show up with a cake on her birthday, as he would always do.

And then he got more and more distant every day until he wasn't there for her anymore. And neither was her for him.

"Earth calling Kaycee." Bailey's voice brought her back into reality. They were stretching on the floor and she didn't even notice that she was staring at him from across the room.

"Sorry." She said focusing her attention on her friend.

"Anyway... I can't believe you guys actually danced together." Said the girl. "Does Gabe already know? did he freak out?"

Kaycee looked at her, raising an eyebrow. "What do you think? He was supposed to give me a ride last night and he just didn't come."

"What? That little brat." It wasn't a surprise for Kaycee that her best friend didn't like her partner. "And how did you got home?"

"I shared an uber, with Sean." She said without looking at her friend.

"EXCUSE ME?" She said very loud making everyone look at them.

"Oh my God, Bailey." Said Kaycee laughing, embarrassed.

"Sorry guys, nothing to see here go back to stretching your muscles." The girl said to everyone before lowering her voice to talk with Kaycee. "How I'm only hearing about that now?"

"It was nothing important, he just gave me a ride and that's all." She said trying to sound casual.

"Oh, Gabe must be furious." She said smiling.

"He doesn't know about the uber part and I was hoping we could keep it like that." She said quickly.

"Sure, sure, sure." Said Bailey with a smile on her face. 

Kaylee laughed. "Bails, I'm serious."

"Okay, I'm not gonna say anything to him." She raised her hands in surrender. "But he's not your boyfriend you know, you shouldn't fear to tell him things like this because it's none of his business."

"I know, I just hate fighting so I'm trying to avoid it." She said. "Besides, what happened yesterday with Sean was nothing important so it's better to just forget about it."

"Nothing important? Really?" She said standing up to place their bags in the corner of the room, but not before whispering to Kaycee. "Then why he can't take his eyes off of you since we got here?"

there's no way | seaycee (sean and kaycee)Where stories live. Discover now