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"I wish that the time would line up"

To say that she was sad was to underestimate her pain. She didn't even sleep, she cried all night in the silence of her room while his words kept echoing in her mind. She kept hearing the hurt in his voice when he said that she would never choose him when he would always choose her.

The truth was that it was so easy for her to fall for him and she did with her eyes wide open, she knew what she was doing, she knew what he was doing to her and she went for it anyway, even with the risks because it was so damn too good to be in love with him and to be loved by him.

So it really hurt her to think that through all these years he thought she would have never chosen him when in reality she never knew she had that option.

She just wished she had realized things sooner, that she had known what to do sooner.

She left her room for the first time around five-ish pm. She got herself a cup of coffee and sat on the sofa in her backyard, trying to put some sense into her mind. She was feeling so down that she wasn't in the mood for anything, not even for dance.

"Hi, peanut." Her father's words got her by surprise, as he sat beside her.

They stayed in silence for a long time, just watching their backyard view. She loved her father and she knew he loved her too, but he wasn't the one she would have a deep conversation with. Their relationship wasn't like that, they would talk sports and make jokes because they have the same sense of humor, but that was about it.

So she wasn't expecting for him to come and talk with her about what was happening, she was expecting for him to say something like 'everything it's going to be fine, kiddo' and pat her head.

She wasn't expecting him to say anything, especially with the subject being dance. Her father has always been proud of her, and always said and showed that, but he never knew much about dance.

And also, he had never been a big fan of partnerships. He always said that it outshined her and reduced her opportunities, reduced her chances of expressing herself through her art since normally they would dance Gabe's or some other choreographer's choreos.

"Your mother told me what's happening." He started. "She showed me you dancing with Sean."

She took a deep breath, her voice was weak from how much she has been crying. "Look, Dad, I know that you don't like the idea of partnering, and it's fine. I'm just not in the mood for some lecture or motivational speech."

She was going to keep going, but he interrupted. "You should do it."

"What?" It took her a few seconds to understand what he was talking about.

"I think you should say yes to Tessandra and Unity, you should dance with Sean." He answered and she kept staring at him, confused.

Her father, the number one enemy of partnerships was telling her to get into a new one.

"You were six years old and I was sitting right here, you came rushing through those doors..." he pointed. "Screaming and jumping, saying that you wanted to show me the first full routine you had learned. You didn't even wait for me to say something, you just started dancing without any music."

there's no way | seaycee (sean and kaycee)Where stories live. Discover now