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It was early in the morning and Kaycee was already up, ready for the day — she had made herself a vitamin smoothie, got her yoga mat, and was heading to her backyard to do some yoga.

Yoga has always been something that soothed her soul, and she had made a routine to her in which she would always take an hour a day to do yoga and meditation, but she hasn't done it in a long time — she had forgotten to take care of herself in between this whole mess of falling in love with Senan, breaking her partnership with Gabe and starting a new one with Sean.

And that wasn't a good thing — so this morning she decided to go back to her old habits.

Even because setting her mind in a good place would be great to help her understand how to deal with being in love with Sean and not being able to be with him while still having to be his partner.

"Good morning, love." Said her mother walking to water the backyard plants — Kaycee was in between some yoga poses.

"Morning, mom." She answered without stopping her exercise.

"Glad to see that you're taking care of yourself." She said while doing her own things. "You've been stressing too much lately, and that's not good."

"I know." She sat on her mat, taking a deep breath while staring at her mother.

She loved her mother and she loved her father, she loved them as parents and she loved them even more as a couple — somehow they were always there for each other, always having great communication, always supporting the other, principally when things were bad.

"Mom?" Her mother hummed an answer. "You never told me how you and dad got together."

Her mother looked at her surprised, the woman had told this story before to her other children but Kaycee never asked. Kaycee had always been oblivious to the matters of the heart — always focusing on her future in dance.

"Do you really wanna know?" The woman asked as she sat on the couch that was there.

Kaycee nodded, turning to face her mother as the woman started to talk. "Okay, let's just say that your father and I were way too stubborn to accept our own feelings."

"What do you mean?" Kaycee left her yoga mat and sat on the couch by her mother.

"We've met in the first year of high school, we got partnered on chemistry. We had seen each other before through school, obviously, your father knew who I was as I was the captain of the cheerleaders." Kaycee rolled her eyes laughing — her mother was what you would call the queen bee in her school years.

"Don't roll those eyes at me, young lady." She laughed too. "Anyway, I liked your father right away, he was the funniest guy I had ever met and he made me laugh as no one would, and that's something amazing to found in someone."

Kaycee sighed as she couldn't avoid thinking of Sean and how he's always making her laugh — her mother kept going. "But he had a girlfriend by the time so we stayed friends, it was an odd friendship to the others, a popular girl with the guy that was captain of the math club... but we didn't mind, we were so different from the eyes of the world but we fit together to our eyes."

Her mind went straight to how she always felt like so with Sean, even when they were friends years ago — he was extroverted, always making new friends and she was an introvert. Everyone was always wondering why he was friends with her, the shy girl that never said a word but somehow they've always made sense to each other. They could see differences between them, but they weren't as big to them as it was to the others.

there's no way | seaycee (sean and kaycee)Where stories live. Discover now