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"there's no way that it's not going there"

No one really understood Gabe and Kaycee's relationship. They were very different from each other, he was an extrovert always seeking the spotlight, always being the life of the party and she was an introvert, she liked to receive some attention but she didn't enjoy being the center of it. That worked in their favor for some time, because he would always do the things that made her uncomfortable.

But then they started to grow old and the differences in their personalities started to be huge as Kaycee began to have her own voice in the partnership, Gabe was used to be the one wearing the pants but Kaycee wasn't someone to be fine about it anymore. So they were always bickering and having little fights with each other, so no one really understood why or how they were still partners after all these years.

But there were things that people couldn't see about their relationship, things behind the fights. Like how he would always drive her everywhere because she didn't like to drive, that he knew how she liked her coffee just like she knew his, how he would hold her hand when she was nervous before a presentation and how she would always care an extra package of his hair pomade in her bag every time they would go for competition because she knew he would forget. And many other things that belonged just to the two of them.

They've been dancing with each other for four years so even with the fights it was impossible for them not to care for each other.

When Gabe showed up to rehearsal she feared that they would fight, actually she feared that he wouldn't even show up at all, but he did.

"Hi." She said with a smile when he walked into her garage.

"Hi and a smile? Really? You still won't apologize?" He walked past her, going straight to the computer.

She took a deep breath. "Oh my God, Gabe! Can't we end this fight already?" She asked and he looked at her. "I get that I hurt you but what do you want me to do? It's already done, I can't go back in time and undo it."

"Even if you could I know you wouldn't." He sounded hurt and she hated that she was the one that did that.

"You want me to say that I'm sorry? I'm sorry, Gabe. I really am." She said getting close to him. "But I want it to be clear that I'm not apologizing for doing what I wanted to do, I'm apologizing because what I did hurt you and it wasn't my intention."

"I was embarrassed Kaycee, my partner choosing to do a duet with another guy right in front of me." She sighed at his words.

"What was I supposed to do? Say no to Galen in front of everyone?" She asked and he chuckled. "I wouldn't do that even if I wanted to."

"Stop throwing at my face that you wanted to dance with him." He tossed the words at her.

"You rather for me to lie to you?" She asked getting her voice higher, but then she took a deep breath. "Stop being so dramatic. You made a duet with Jayden, remember? You guys did a whole video together and I said nothing." She said. "This isn't because of our partnership or because of me, you're mad because seeing me dancing with Sean hurts your fragile male ego."

"This is stupid." He said.

"I agree." They both sighed.

there's no way | seaycee (sean and kaycee)Where stories live. Discover now