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"you touch me and it's almost like we knew that there will be history between us two... there's no way that is not going there, with the way that we're looking at each other."

She woke up feeling the warmth from the sun, picking through the blinds. It took her a second for her eyes to get used to the brightness but as it did, little by little, she started to notice the things in front of her. His things — some pairs of sneakers perfectly placed close to the window, his favorite weirdo hoodie tossed over the chair he had in the corner, the two top drawers from his drawer chest were slightly open, a forgotten cup of matcha tea over the bedside table... things that were so him.

All of his things were there, including her, and yet he wasn't — as the sleep vanished from her, she noticed the space beside her was empty.

She sat on his bed, stretching herself and looking around, a note with his handwriting was on his place in bad, and it said: went to get my car, didn't want to wake you, you looked so beautiful. ill be right back. — and through a piece of paper, he made her blush.

Kaycee grabbed a pair of sweatpants from his closet to wear, so she wouldn't leave his room only in a shirt and underwear.

it was a few minutes past ten am and the house was silent but it didn't meat it was empty, his house was always quiet as everyone in his family was super chill. Her house? not so much, it was always a mess of sounds, dogs barking, his brother breaking and fixing things, her mother with loud exercising videos always playing in the background — she loved her family, but Lew's lull was always refreshing.

She walked down the stairs and as she predicted, she wasn't alone in the house — his mother was sitting on one of the island stools, reading a cooking book and complaining about something in a very quiet tone.

"I wanna cook this today mom, can you get it from me... I wanna cook this today babe, can you get it..." She was clearly voicing Sean and her husband, complaining about them.

"Hi," Kaycee Said a little shy, getting the woman's attention.

Miya was surprised to see the girl, but very happy too as she showed her a big smile. "Oh sorry you had to listen to me complaining, but these men aren't easy..." She laughed. "They choose the hardest things to cook and I'm the one that has to go after things."

Kaycee laughed too as the woman got up from her stool but pulled one for the girl. "Sit here sweetie, let me get you something to eat."

"Don't worry about it."

"Shiu, breakfast is important." She said grabbing two kinds of cereals from the cabinets. "Cheerios or cinnamon toast crunch?"

"Cinnamon toast crunch please." She answer and the woman served two bowls and sat to eat with her. "Thank you."

"Not for this, good choice by the way." They sat in silence for a few seconds, it wasn't uncomfortable but it wasn't pleasing either. It was odd. "I didn't know you would come with him last night."

"I didn't either-" She said the way too fast — cheeks burning from embarrassment. "I mean..."

"Don't worry." Miya said, taking her out of her misery — laughing, she added: "Now that I know you are here I understand why he was so happy before he left... Kaycee, you should know that it's amazing the effect you have on my son."

there's no way | seaycee (sean and kaycee)Where stories live. Discover now