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Sean woke up feeling as if he has slept in the best bed in the whole universe and it was just some blankets on the floor of her room.

The night before they ended up eating pizza while still looking through some old pictures of them, then they went back into watching friends and two episodes later she fell asleep. He turned the tv off and decided to try and get some rest too, he thought about waking her up so she could go to her bed but she appeared way too cozy, so he didn't — they both slept on the floor.

After stretching himself a little, he turned to the side hoping to find her but her place was empty. He stood up and walked to her bathroom to do his morning hygiene, after, he walked back into the room straight to his phone — eight am. He knew Kaycee was someone to wake up early but that was too early for a Saturday in his opinion.

The house was completely quiet as everyone was probably still asleep — without any shyness he left her room hoping to find her somewhere. As he got downstairs she wasn't in the living room or the kitchen, but from the kitchen, he noticed that the door to the backyard was open.

As he walked outside he found her meditating — she was very concentrated so he didn't say a thing a first, he just leaned against a wall and kept himself watching her.

"What are you doing?" She asked out of the blue, without opening her eyes or changing her position.

He couldn't avoid but laugh. "How did you know I was here? Can you see with your eyes closed? Is that one of your alien powers?"

She sighed and laughed too, now opening her eyes and looking at him. "No, you made a noise."

He let go of the wall and walked to her, sitting in her yoga mat by her side. "But how come you knew it was me?"

The yoga mat wasn't big so their knees were touching and the proximity was inevitable — they were eye to eye. "You made noise while trying not to make noise, everyone else in my family wouldn't try that hard."

He noticed that her eyes weren't afraid of traveling around his face, and the smile on her lips said that she didn't mind the proximity, in fact, it appeared she was enjoying it. "Besides, you were starting... and I know how your eyes feel on me."

He was quite out of words because he wasn't expecting such a bold answer — he just kept looking at her hoping his brain would come up with something. She asked: "What?"

"There's something different..." He said without taking his eyes from hers. "You're acting differently."

"Is it bad?" She asked as his eyes went from her eyes to her mouth, then back to her eyes and at that moment she knew she was starting to break him.

"No." He said almost in a whisper — cleaned his throat. "Just confusing."

"Why so?" She asked.

He took a deep breath. "Because..."

Sean never finished his sentence, she denied laughing and looking away from him, as she started to stand up. "Come on, Sean lew, let's have breakfast."

They had breakfast, he didn't make this time, they simply ate cereal while watching cartoons on her big couch — after that Sean went home and that was it from their sleepover.

The rest of the week was busy and normal for them, they attended classes, worked with Tessandra once more, and recorded wrong words — Sean thought that maybe after wrong words thing would be clear for him about their relationship but it wasn't quite like that, and he couldn't figure it out what was still missing for them.

there's no way | seaycee (sean and kaycee)Where stories live. Discover now