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(...) He chuckled. "God... how I miss kissing you."

"Then why don't you?" She asked, to his surprise.

"I don't know... at first because I was hurt, then because I thought it wouldn't work, then because I got scared it could make me lose you, you know? Too much to risk for a kiss." He said, trying to create some distance between them, but Kaycee didn't let him — she held his hand, pulling him back to her.

"But it isn't just a kiss, is it?" She asked, but it wasn't a question that sought an answer.

He answered anyway. "With us? It's never just one thing... I mean, from the very first moment we danced together, I knew we would never end."

"I miss it too." She admitted, not facing him — afraid to lose it all if she did, fearing that this conversation would turn out to be just a dream like many others she had ever since things turned into a mess. "Us... I miss us too."

His hand cupped her face, leaving a long kiss on her forehead before they settle themselves in a tight and yet soft hug — both of them taking each other's scents as they enjoyed how good it was to fully allow themselves to be touched by the other.

"We drank so I won't drive, I can get my car tomorrow morning..." He said, leaving the hug just so his eyes could find hers. He asked: "Wanna share an uber with me?"

She smiled, remembering the night from the first time they danced together — how he saved the day, taking her home. "I would like that."

"Great." The hug was over as he created some space between so he could order a car — it felt cold for both of them. "I'll put your house first and then I can go do mine."

She placed her head softly on top of his, stopping him from typing her address. "Why don't you put just yours?"

"What? No, I won't let you get home alone-"

"Sean." She called to try and make him understand, it took him a second but as their eyes were locked on each other, he realized.

"Oh." He said — his hand scratching the back of his neck, embarrassed for not understanding right away.

"Stupid idea, right?" She said, doubting herself. "Forget I said something-"

"Kaycee..." He called out so she would stop freaking out — big hazel eyes staring at him, showing both insecurity and hope. He asked softly: "Come home with me."

She smiled and nodded.

Inside the uber, on the way to his house, everything seemed so much like that very first night when they put themselves back on each other's lives, and yet everything was so different.

On that first night, they had no idea what anything meant, and they were just two kids afraid of what the future could hold — sitting on the back seat, one on each side as they were afraid of touching or even looking at each other, afraid of all the regrets they had when it came to them and of facing all of the histories they could have created together but never did.

Now they were sitting on the back seat as close to each other as a human could be from another. His arm around her as the side of her back was against him. They would share looks and little laughs once in a while, and he would even still small kisses from her — they weren't afraid of touching or looking at each other anymore, they waited too long for it and now they learned they were never meant to stop.

They walked slowly inside his house, taking his shoes by the door so they wouldn't make noises — pretty much all of the lights were out as everyone was already asleep, because of the darkness they walked slowly and very close to the other, hand in hand and Sean could feel Kaycee gripping his shirt with her free hand just as he could feel her breathing against his neck.

there's no way | seaycee (sean and kaycee)Where stories live. Discover now