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"Randy?" Jules mumbled her head buried in her sisters stomach. "Why cant we go, its so pretty and Liana says its really fun too?" Jules sat up to her sister shaking her awake for an answer. An answer Miranda was making up, right now. "Because of the rule Jules," she shot her eyes open replying coolly.

"You break rules all the time Randy? Why cant we just go once? I promise I wont tell mom. I never tell. I wont even tell Liana." Jules began to plead.

This was not going well at all. "Look, you are the good daughter, leave the rule breaking to me." she sat up making eye contact. "I want to have fun too, its always because of you I have to be nice!" Jules revolted.

"I'll ask mom. I can't take you alone." Miranda answered mumbling as she was giving up.

"Really!" she screamed hugging her sister, jumping all over the place. "Chill out, she might not even agree."

Miranda knew that this is how it will end, "But she might, she always listens when you explain Randy I know you will convince her!" Julia continued to bounce around happily all evening, till it was time for Cynthia to return.

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