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"Alright mom, lets take her. That's why you came didn't you?" she asked her mother already knowing the response. They woke Jules up and she sleepily argued, before Miranda carried her to the car. They drove quietly to a rocky shore just ahead of a beautiful cave hidden below the tide. When Cynthia pulled up, Miranda asked her mom quietly, "I'm scared mom."

Cynthia smiled, "Don't be, she has you with her. And you," she turned around to hold her hand. "You have got me, always." she smiled as Miranda seemed surer of herself. 

She woke Jules, "Where are we?" 

"Look for yourself!" Miranda was smiling brightly at her half asleep sibling. "Mom! Oh my God! You did it Randy! You're the bestestest sister ever!" Jules was over joyed as she looked out the window. 

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