Chapter 5

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(Todoroki's POV)

I was laying down next to Yaoyorozu in her bed. Her bed. 'I can barely sleep.'

She started to shiver and I wrapped my arms around her. 'Shit shit shit shit! God damn you Shoto! Think before you act!' She started to calm down and snuggle into me. Suddenly I was hit with a wave of sleepiness, and I drifted off.


I woke up to Momo shaking me.

"Todoroki its 9:30 how long do you plan on sleeping!?"

"Uh what? Oh sorry Yaoyorozu."

"That's fine go get changed and we can head to your house."

"Right. I'll be back Yaoyorozu." I said as I walked to my dorm. 'You know Shoto. You don't think. You're gonna fuck all this up. God damn you.'

I sigh as I unlocked my door. I grabbed my phone charger and headphones after I had changed. Then placed my wallet in my pocket and left.

"You ready Yaoyorozu?" I asked as I knocked on her door.

"Oh yes come on in the door is unlocked!"

So I did. She had two small bags and her purse.

"Well thank you for letting me stay with you this weekend Todoroki. You're an amazing friend!" She said cheerily. But damn did that hurt. I wish I wasn't just the childhood friend.

"It's no problem, Yaoyorozu." I said trying not to sound hurt.

"Well we should be off. Do you want me to call a cab of one of my Chauffeurs?"

"I'd call a chauffeur if you don't mind doing so Yaoyorozu."

"Not a problem give me five minutes."

Yaoyorozu walked out in the hallway carrying her bags and call her chauffeur. We headed down to the main lobby and waited outside for him to arrive. Once he did we got in and drive to my house.

"Again thank you Todoroki, this was very kind of you."

"I don't mind at all." 'You idiot, be prepared for any run-in you have with death's door.'

"This way Yaoyorozu, I'll show you around the house once you put your stuff in your room. It's down that hall and the last door to the left. Mines the door across from it." I told her pointing at the hallway.

"Ok I'll be right back Todoroki!" She said with a smile.

"Shoto, call me Shoto when we are alone."

"Ok Sho-Shoto. You can call me Momo."

'God dammit! Cheeks don't you dare!!!'

I felt heat rise to my face.

"Alright M-momo."

I promise the next chapter will be longer give me like four days.

Spade is signing out!

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