Chapter 14

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(Bakugou's POV)

Why can't I shake this feeling about Kirishima? I like Momo, right? I looked at the door and heard her laugh. She walked in holding Icyhot's hand. She kissed him. She kissed HIM. But I'm not mad. What the hell is wrong with me?

"Class sit down, we are doing trust exercises today. Grab a partner and change into your hero costumes." Aizawa said in a monotonous voice.

"Hey Shitty Hair you're paired up with me." I said pointing at my chest. 'Why the hell did I do that?'

"A-Alright." He smiling at me. My face started to heat up. 'What the fuck!?!'

"L-Let's go shitty hair." I mumbled walking past him. When we were changing I couldn't help but look over at him. 'Those abs. Wait. NO!' Though if I truly have to be honest, he was pretty damn ripped.

"Bakugou, we're up first."

"Ok." I said, surprisingly calm.

"Alright so, we have a platform that one of you will jump off and the other will catch them. Then we will move on to the next exercise when everyone has finished. Bakugou and Kirishima, you're up first."

"Kirishima you catch me." I said. I trust him. He looked confused but agreed.

"You ready Shitty Hair?!" I yelled from the top of the platform.

"You bet Bakugou!" I jumped. The fall was fun to be honest, but the best part was when I landed in his arms. However my face felt like it was on fire.

"G-good job Shitty Hair." I said as I walked away.

"Thanks!" He smiled slightly blushing. 'Oh right this big old idiot likes me.' The rest of the pairs continued and finally it was time for the next exercise.

"Now one of you will be blindfolded and the other will have to guide them. You may touch them, but you cannot use quirks."

"Bakugou I'll be blindfolded."

"Ok Shitty Hair." Something about him being blindfol- stop Katsuki. Now!

"Ok you ready?"

"Yup." I started guiding him by holding his arm and directing him. 'This is taking too long. Wait a minute.' I picked him up bridal style. 'This feels right?'

"Eek!" He squeaked out. It was adorable. 'Alright I give up. I like this idiot.' I carried him to the end of the obstacle course and of course we finished first.

"Bakugou, could you put me down?"

"No. I have something to do first." I carried him and walked to a bush. I walked into the forest and put him down by a tree. I removed his blindfold and immediately kissed him.

"B-Bakugou. Y-you're not playing with me right?" He said sadly.

"Hell no. I don't play with feelings. I love you Ejirou." He turned red at the use of his given name.

"So will you be mine?" He kissed me deeply after I said that.

"I'll take that as a yes."

"Of course I'll be your Katsuki."

Finally finished. My two otps are together. Hope you enjoyed my book! I'll start a new one soon.

Spade is signing out! 

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