Chapter 6

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(Todoroki's POV)

Momo came out of the hallway and I just about had a heart attack. She had just appeared out of absolutely nowhere.

"Could you show me around Shoto?" 'Fuck'

"Y-Yeah Momo. This way." I said trying to hide my face.

"So this is the kitchen feel free to cook whatever," I said as we walked in. I showed her the other rooms in the house and we finally got to Fuyumi's room. "um that's my sister's room, and don't go down that hall. That's my father's area of the house." I said pointing at a hall covered in burn marks and holes.

I shuddered remembering what had happened. I didn't however, show her where my mother stayed. Nor did I show her mother's kitchen. I haven't been over there since I was five years old. I reached up and touched my scar but was disrupted from my thoughts.

"Ok. Shoto thank you again."

"It's nothing Momo I'm gla-" my phone started to ring. "Just a second." I read the caller ID.

It was my father.

I walked into my room and answered.

T=Todoroki E=Endeavor

T- What?

E- is that anyway to talk to your father? Never mind. You're coming to my agency tomorrow at 12:30 and you're training with me. Understand? Good.

He hung up before I could respond. 'God damn him! Looks like I'll have to go. He can't know Momo is here.' I stood in my room seething in anger until.

"Shoto? Is everything ok?" Momo said knocking on my door.

"Oh uh, yes everything is fine Momo." I opened my door. "Momo my father wants me to meet him at around 12:30 tomorrow, I'm not certain how long I'll be gone." I said trying not to sound angry.

"That's ok I was actually going to put with some of the girls tomorrow, I should be back around 5:20."

"Ok, well what do you want for lunch? It's around that time anyway."

"How about I cook us something since you've been so kind to me."

"Ok, tell me if you need anything Momo."

"I will." She said as she walked away. 'She's an angel.' I decided to pack a bag for my father's 'training' tomorrow. Training was a fancy word for him beating the shit out of me. That damn bastard. 'Calm down Todoroki. Let's think about what to do with Momo. Movies.' I walked into the kitchen and saw Momo cooking chicken miso soup and ramen.

"Hey Momo, do you wanna watch movies for the rest of the day? Like binge Disney movies?"

"Oh that sounds like fun Shoto! I'm almost finished, how about you set it up?"

"Sure thing." I put in the movie "Mulan" and started setting it up.

"Ok here ya go. What movie are we watching first?"

"Mulan. It's one of my favorites." (a/n literally just got new fanfic idea that'll probably never happen)

"Oooo I love that one!" We were totally engrossed in the movie. Singing along to "Make a man out of you" and "A girl worth fighting for." I lost my cold exterior during moments, and I enjoyed myself. I forgot about everything. All I could think about was how much I enjoyed being with her.

"That was a good movie. I'm gonna go make some popcorn and you can start the next one." Momo said getting up.

"Alright I'll put on Pocahontas."

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