Chapter 8

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(Todoroki's POV)

"Hello? Ribbit."

"Where Momo?"

"Yao-Momo headed outside to do something. She saw somebody and said that she'd be right back. Ribbit."

"How long ago did she leave?"

"Fifteen minutes. Ribbit."

"Ok." 'I have to go there.


"Tsu What was that?"

"An e-explosion ribbit. A very large explosion."

"Is Momo still out there?" I asked getting worried.

"Yes ribbit." It sounded like she was crying to.

"Start evacuating people, I'll be there as soon as I can." I said putting on shoes and running. I hung up the phone, and despite everything that had happened earlier, adrenaline kept me going.

'Just wait Momo, I'll be there soon.' I ran into a man with wings and decided to seize the opportunity.

"Excuse me sir? I need your help."

"Uh well what can I do? Hey aren't you Endeavor's son."

"Yes," I said trying not to sound pissed, cause let me tell ya I was. "Can you fly me to the mall downtown. I need to get there ASAP."

"Of course I can. Hop on." He said smiling.

"Ok go." I said. We took off, I would've called this fun had it not been for the fact that I was going to save people. The wind was blowing in my face, and I honestly felt free.

"This mall? The one that everybody is running out of? The one that's smoking?! Sorry but I don't think a kid should be anywhere near there." The said starting to fly away.

"Sir please, I'm a hero in training, I have my license."

"Alright kid, be safe." He said as he landed.

"Thank you and I will." I said running into the mall.

"Momo! Momo!" I couldn't see her anywhere. Smoke filled my lungs and I looked around for people who were trapped. I didn't se anybody but I continued running into the center of the explosion area.

"Momo!" I called.

"Shoto! I'm over here!" 'Yes!'

I quickly ran to where the voice came from. A place that used to be a daycare, I could feel the heat from the explosion on my back. 'Shit, this isn't good. Let's hope there aren't any kids.'

"There's one kid in here Shoto. The daycare worker is nowhere to be found but we need to get out of here." She said walking out of the smoke holding a small child.

"Momo, take my hand and I'll create a pillar of ice so that we can get out faster."

"No do a large ramp and I'll make a sled."

"That's a better idea." I said starting to form the ice. We all got on the sled and slid off. The kid started to laugh as we went down.

"The kid isn't injured or anything right?" She turned around and her face was a few inches from mine. My face reddened.

"No he's not." She said with confidence.

(Momo's POV)

As I turned around I felt my face start to heat up. 'Shoto has always been there for me...' I thought. We got to the end of the ice ramp and ran to the police.

"Excuse me, but we just rescued this kid and we need to find his parents." I said politely.

"Kid is your name Takashi?" The boy nodded.

"Your mom is over there she's been worried sick." The officer said pointing to a woman crying on a bench.

"Mama!" The boy yelled.

"Takashi!" The woman cried running over and taking him from my arms.

"Thank you so much for saving my little Takashi! I was so scared."

"Well you're welcome. If it hadn't been for Shoto I wouldn't have been able to get him out as quickly."

"Well if it hadn't been for you Momo, then my ice may have been useless."

"You're endeavor's son right? The Todoroki's? And you're from the Yaoyorozu family? You two must be close!" She said smiling.

"We've been good friends since childhood." I said rubbing the side of my arm. The lady pulled me in close to her and said.

"He's a keeper don't let him go." I blushed furiously.

"Um uh t-thanks?" I said backing away awkwardly.

"SHOTO!" I loud booming voice yelled.

"That bast-"

"Shoto there are children!" I said smacking his arm.

"But he is!" He said in defense.

"I have to go Momo, go back to my house and don't leave your room, it's for the better."

"Alright?" I said not fully understanding.

I called a taki and headed to Shoto's house. I entered and headed to my room and watched the news feed to make sure that there were no casualties during the incident. Luckily nobody was killed only injured.

Kinda bad but oh well!

Spade is signing out!

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