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rayfro has  changed their name to princessfrofro

princessfrofro: it just seemed more fitting

geeway: it is more fitting

troham: ugh! i fucking hate midterms!

frankie: midterms hate you too.

troham: not the time frank. guys im gonna fail!!!!!!!! 

peep: this chat still exists, damn

geeway: maybe, just maybe joe if you, i dont know actually STUDY then, omg, you wont fail. i know crazy right.

troham: i dont need your sass rn gerard

stump: peeeeeeeeeeeteeeeeeeeeee

peep: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat

stump: come over i am bored

peep: okay honey i'll be there soon

stump: :)

milkyway: okay but y'all are goals

peep: we know

geeway: frankie why can't we be like them

frankie: gee come over i am bored

geeway: no thank you i'd very much like to stay in my bed and be lazy

frankie: there's the answer to your question. also ouch.

urine: wassup fuckers

geeway: gtg

frankie: gtg

troham: gtg

milkyway: gtg

peep: gtg

stump: gtg

AnDy: gtg

ryro: gtg

urine: why you bully me


a/n i legit forgot that this existed sorry heres a meme to make up for it

a/n i legit forgot that this existed sorry heres a meme to make up for it

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