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jishthebean: guys school starts on september 3rd! thats not enough time to finish all my summer plans!

tylerthebean: josh, we all know your onl plans for summer were to sit in your bed and watch netflix

jishthebean: shut up tyler!

tylerthebean: i would if i could, but im not technically talking, im texting

geeway: ooo sass, i approve

urine: i do as well, tyler, would you like to be a part of the sass club?

tylerthebean: if i say no what will happen? 

geeway: we will hunt you down in your sleep obviously.

tylerthebean: i'll join.

peep: you guys actually have a sass club?

geeway: yes, why would i make that up.? 

peep: point. whos all in this'sass club'? and why were we never told about.

geeway: ok so the club consists of myself, brendon, patrick and now tyler. and we never told you because we didnt want to.

peep: patricks in it?

stump: i am

urine: well i think now is as good a time as any to leave

urine has left the chat

geeway has left the chat

tylerthebean has left the chat

jishthebean has left the chat

omg i am not prepared to start school guys.

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