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jonnyboi: what are ya'll doing for your moms tomorrow.

spencer: i am giving her a mug that says #1 mom.

urine: spence... you give her that same mug every year, you don't even buy a new one you just take that one out of the cupboard.

milkyway: WELL me and gee are taking mom out to eat and we will do everything she normally does for a day. like household chore wise... not dad.

geeway: MIKEY

milkyway: i don't see anything wrong with that sentense. 

frankie: really... nothing at all.

milkyway: nope.

jishthebean: well im just gonna get my momma a card.

tylerthebean: yea same.

stump: im not doing anything... i'm still mad at her for taking my ninja turtle.

peep: seriously, pat you were 8. you're still on that. 

stump: yes. i will be forever!

peep: ok

princessfrofro: ima take her out to brunch, middle aged women like brunch right?

AnDy: yea i think so...

troham: ima give my mom some hams! 

milkyway: should i even... ask?

AnDy: its best not to. 

milkyway: ok

(A/N) happy early mothers day(if youre reading this on saturday)! i'm in the process of starting another story... ypu should read it. do it please. for me? *insert pouty face*

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