Falling Feelings

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(Hello everyone. I hope you are having a nice week. I might update once more today because it's supposed to be super cold tomorrow and I may not feel like driving in to get to the internet. Anyways, on with the story!)

(Hinata's POV)

I wrap the bouquet of flowers in a green wrapper with a glossy covering. The person who ordered these flowers should be here in a few hours to come and pick them up, but I figured that I have some free time at the moment, so why not get it done now? It's been getting busier lately at the flower shop, but when I asked Ino, she said that it's just the time of year everyone buys flowers.

The bell rings and I turn to see Tenten skip into the store with a smile on her face. Ino comes and joins me at the counter. Tenten stops in front of the glass display counter.

"Hello, ladies," Tenten greets, leaning over the counter. I wave my hand that isn't holding the slim elegant flowers. Ino jumps in place and squeals hi. We haven't see Tenten in a while because she started to intern with a local blade maker. "I was wondering if you guys wanted to hang out later at my place," Tenten offers. I glance at the tall slim body in the corner of the store. Neji showed up at the flower shop this morning telling me that he'll be watching me for a couple of days. He also said that he'll leave once he sees if I'm truly happy here. Tenten follows my gaze and frowns. "Who is that," she questions.

"That's Hinata's cousin. He says he's going to watch her all day," Ino explains for me.

"How long has he been there?" She doesn't peel her eyes off my cousin.

"Since we opened," I grumble, putting the flowers in the bucket of special water with the rest of pre-ordered bouquets.

"That's creepy and you should consider calling the cops on him." Tenten finally looks back to me. I shake my head, smiling.

"It's fine. Once he sees how happy I am here he will leave and I can get back to living my life," I tighten the strings on my apron.

"I so want to call the cops on him," Ino chimes in. I flick her wrist lightly.

"He is my cousin. He's just worried about me. Leave him alone," I chide her.

"I get that he's worried but it's still creepy to stalk someone," Tenten shivers out. "I'm going to go talk to him for a second," Tenten declares, walking in his direction. Uh oh.

"Tenten, no," I try and tell her. She's already in front of Neji by the time I get the words out.

"I get that you're Hinata's cousin, but that doesn't mean you can just decide what makes her happy. She's a grown woman who can take care of herself!" Tenten shouts so we can hear her across the store. I rush up to her and touch her shoulder. I don't need her to make a commotion in the store. I glance at Neji and his eyes are round and staring directly at Tenten. Did she actually manage to shock him? He blinks and his eyes return to normal after a minute.

"I'm not here to make Hinata's life hard or to show that I want to dictate her life. I'm here to make sure that she's absolutely happy here," Neji defends his actions. "I just want Hinata safe," he adds in a low voice. I don't know how to react because they are talking about me like I'm not here. Tenten's shoulders relax under my hand, and she smiles at Neji.

"That's sweet of you," Tenten smirks out. "However, she is an adult. She can make her own decisions." Tenten turns around and starts to walk back to the counter where Ino is obviously eavesdropping.

"I know that," Neji admits and clenches his hands at his sides. Is he getting angry?

"As long as you're watching Hinata, I will be watching you," Tenten warns over her shoulder. She finishes walking the small distance that's between her and Ino. I follow her, ignoring Neji. I'm not sure what's making him angry, but I've lived with him long enough to know that if he's angry it's best to leave him alone.

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