Falling Perception

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(Hello everyone. I hope you guys are having a fantastic day. Enjoy the chapter.)

(Hinata's POV)

I finish walking up the rest of the steps to the main house of the Uchiha's. I knock on the door but let myself in because Mikoto told me that I should always just come in. She says this is as much my home as it is her's. I walk into the kitchen hoping to find Mikoto, she wanted to help me bake some cinnamon rolls for the flower shop, but instead, I find Itachi and Sasuke raiding the fridge of food. I don't know how Mikoto keeps any food in the house with these boys around. When I cook for just Shisui, it's almost impossible to find food in his place.

I clear my throat to let them know that I'm here. They both tense up and look back at me. They kind of remind me of raccoons digging in garbage cans that got caught. Sasuke even has a bag of string cheese hanging in his mouth. After the boys realize that it's just me, Sasuke nods his head, saying hi, and walks off in the direction of his room, the bag of cheese still in his mouth. I turn my attention back to Itachi who sets a few of the snacks in his arms on the island counter so he can close the fridge door.

"Hello, Hinata," he greets with his usual smile. "To what do we owe the pleasure of seeing you today?" he asks, starting to open some of the crackers. "Usually you're over by Shisui and not here," he adds.

I walk over closer to him and lean against the counter. Once that everyone got wind that I was dating Shisui, thanks Ino, I can't seem to go anywhere without either getting overwhelmed with questions or death glares from girls who wanted Shisui for themselves. Before I started dating him, I never realized how big of a fan base he had. Apparently, all the Uchiha boys do. When I asked Sakura about it, she told me she went through the same thing when she first started to date Sasuke. I like to avoid confrontation as much as possible though so when we go on dates it's either at either of our places or at Naka River.

"Your mother wanted to help me bake cinnamon rolls. I got the green light to sell them at the flower shop," I catch him up. He nods his head as he follows the story.

"Well, mom just left to go do errands," he sighs out before taking a bite of crackers and cheese. I pull out my phone to see a text message from Mikoto telling me that she ran out of the ingredients for cinnamon rolls so she'll be grabbing some, but she should be home soon. I should learn to look at my phone before I leave my apartment. "I don't mind hanging out for a while though," Itachi adds, slipping into a chair next to me.

"Thanks," I breath out, slumping in my chair. If my father saw me now he'd have a heart attack at my posture. It makes me want to slouch just a little more.

"How has dating Shisui gone this past week?" Itachi chuckles out before taking another bite of his snack. A smile makes its way on my face at the mention of Shisui.

"It's been good. We're already disagreeing on some things but other than that, good," I tell him. I don't want to go in on what we're disagreeing about. I don't need to tell my boyfriend's best friend about our non-existent sex life. I'm going to make sure you can't walk after I'm done with you. Shisui's words creep into my head and my face flushes from the memory. "Is Shisui a virgin?" my mouth suddenly blurts out. I sense Itachi tense at the question for a second and I slap my hand over my mouth. Why did I ask that? Itachi starts to laugh so hard that he has to use the counter to keep him sitting up. His laughter fills the kitchen, and it bounces off the wall and ends in my ear. I don't see the funny part of this.

"Shisui," he tries to get out, "is the furthest thing from a virgin." Itachi continues to laugh.

"What do you mean?" I ask, hoping that I'm not going to hate the answer. Itachi tries to take a deep breath but fails and continues to laugh.

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