Falling In Despair

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(Hello everyone. We're getting close to the end of the story. In fact, there is only one more chapter before the epilogue. I hope you enjoy.)

(Hinata's POV)

I'd like to say that I woke up in my apartment after a terrible nightmare but I can't. I didn't even wake up to the sound of cars going past my apartment...or his breathing. It's because of that stupid alarm once again. The minute I left I was thrilled to never have to hear that alarm again but now it's like a hunting sound: Telling me I'll never be free.

My bedroom door opens and a group of four maids rushes in. Father must not trust me to do anything anymore. Is he afraid that I'll leave? I came back for Hanabi and I'll stay for her. No matter how much it hurts to never see his face again.

They pull me out of bed, shower me and dress me in a lavender floor length dress. They take an hour on my hair alone. They brush all the snarls out and pin it up into a bun. They place a small amount of makeup to my face, making me look less tired. We got back around two in the morning, but father told me that we will be having Naruto and Sai over for breakfast.

They start to walk me down the stairs to the dining room. Maybe father had me so dressed up is because he's trying to hide the fact that I'm not a virgin anymore. How will Naruto react when he finds out? Will he even notice?

"If I'm going to sleep with you, it's going to be because I love you and for no other reason," Shisui's voice echoes in my head. His pleading eyes flash as well. I freeze at the top of the stairwell from the sudden pain that throbs in my chest. Warm hands wrap around my arm, pulling me from my thoughts for a moment. I look over and see Neji with an apologetic look on his face.

"You're not alone. You are strong," he whispers to me. I nod my head from the encouragement. He helps me walk the rest of the way down the stairs. He guides me to a chair next to him but across from Naruto. He's got a bright cheery smile on his face. It almost makes me want to smile for real, but I just can't seem to find the strength. Hanabi enters the room but instead of walking to her seat she runs over to me and hugs me so tight it crushes the air from my lungs.

"You're home," she cheers. I need to stop thinking of everyone back in Konoha. I need to be here for Hanabi because I will not allow her to go through what I went through.

"Are you feeling alright, Hinata? You look pale," Naruto asks, looking at me with those big blue eyes.

"She's fine. She just had a long car ride, however, she's excited about the wedding," my father assures him. Am I not allowed to talk anymore? Is he afraid I'll tell Naruto something he wouldn't like?

"Speaking of the wedding. That's why we came over this morning," Sai, Naruto's friend, speaks up.

"Hinata, if you don't want to go through with the wedding then I'm ok with walking away. I'll leave in peace," Naruto looks at me while he explains. There is nothing more in this world that I want than to tell him I'm in love with someone else. I want to run back to Konoha and beg for Shisui to hear my apology. I look over to my father to see him staring me down; instructions clear on his face.

"I'd be honored to become your wife, Naruto," I say with my mouth trying to quiver. "Maybe, we could learn to love one another," I add, trying to keep the tears from spilling. Naruto seems very nice but I don't think I'll love anyone but Shisui. I glance over to Neji who has sympathy seeping from his eyes. I let a breath slide into my lungs and then out before looking back to Naruto. He nods his head slowly but never takes his eyes off me. He looks concerned.

I sit down at my vanity and pull out a makeup wipe from the pack. I was trusted enough to undress and get ready for bed all alone. However, I can still hear the maids standing outside my door.

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