Falling Water

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(Hello, everyone. I hope you are enjoying this story so far. On with the chapter.)

(Shisui's POV)

I scribble my name once more against a paper that I've seen too much of. Lucky for me, I'm almost done with all the stupid repetitive paperwork for the day. Then I can go and relax. Maybe Hinata is free and we can hang out again. It would be nice to just talk with her. I'm glad that she had fun at the amusement park the other day. I actually couldn't get the feeling of her head resting on my shoulder out of my head. I wish she would do that more often; I'm glad that she's comfortable to let go with me around.

A repetitive ringing breaks my thoughts and guides my focus to my cell phone that is vibrating with Itachi's face on the screen. Why is he calling me? He should be home so he could have just walked over to talk to me. I pick my phone up anyways and answer it.

"Hello?" I ask into the device.

"You should really come over and see this," Itachi laughs into my ear.

"Are you at home?" I ask, standing up and looking over to the main house, maybe I can see him.

"Yes, but I'm not alone. Sasuke is also here, and he has a guest you might want to come and see," Itachi once again chuckles. What is so funny to him? I know that Sasuke doesn't have guests over a lot but what could be so funny about him having someone over?

"Who does he have over? What is so funny?" I demand answers as I click my pen shut so I can make my way over to the main house.

"You should really see for yourself," Itachi snickers out before hanging up on me. I sigh out while shaking my head. I slip my phone in my pants pocket as I jog to the main house and up the stairs to Sasuke's room.

Itachi's broad shoulders are blocking most of my view into the room. I tap him on the shoulder to tell him I'm here to see whatever it is he wants me to see. He moves over with his hand on his mouth to keep the laughter in.

I slip in the doorway to see Sasuke and Hinata leaning against each other on the small futon in Sasuke's room: A cloud hovering above them and a small burnt stick between them. What did Sasuke do now?

"You brought me over to see them smoking?" I ask, looking to the older brother. Itachi lets his hand move back to his side before answering me.

"They are smoking weed," he laughs. Is he high too?

"I know that," I state, trying not to inhale the revolting smell too much.

"Yes, but pure little Hinata is smoking weed. What if Neji finds out?" Itachi points out, finally gaining control of himself.

I freeze at his question because it's a good point. I don't think Neji would be too pleased with anyone if he saw Hinata high. He might even decide to take her back even though he already told her that he was ok with her staying. Hinata and Sasuke both flop over their knees laughing. I know that everything can be funny to them right now, but if Hinata wasn't high I bet she would be freaking out. I watch Itachi give Sasuke his glare that warns him he should watch himself but that only make them laugh harder. This is bad. We should make sure Hinata stays here while she recovers incase her cousin decides to pay her a visit at her apartment.

"I'll take Sasuke if you take care of Hinata," Itachi barters. Sure, give me the more difficult one. However, we don't have much of an option either way. Fugaku isn't too happy that Sasuke smokes weed in his house, but said as long as he doesn't smell it, he will let him.

"Deal," I say and start walking to Hinata. "I'm going to take her back to my place so she can sober up," I tell Itachi as I sling her arm over my shoulder. I'm thinking that I'm going to have to carry her back because she isn't going to want to walk.

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