Dare for Vision and Wanda, and a Truth for Steve.

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(Y/N) - Your name.
(Y/L/N) - Your last name.
(Y/G/T) - Your gender title. (Note: if you prefer to not go by gender, feel free to substitute this out with "Agent (Last name)."
(Y/F/C) - Your favourite colour.


You walk into the room, Tony Stark hot on your heels. You both sit yourself down on the luxury sofa, and you sink into the cushions, relaxing your entire body. Clint and Natasha sit opposite you guys, talking; but they stop as soon as they notice you in the room.

"Hey guys, wanna play a Truth or Dare?" Tony offers, his eyes glinting with glee at the prospect.

"Meh. Might as well, I'm no coward." Clint brags, a small smirk appearing on his lips.

"That's what you say now." Nat says, leaning back in her seat. "Wait till I give you your dare."

Clint pales, and the smirk disappears from his lips. "I misspoke."

"Damn right you did." Nat replies, and the same smirk appears on her face.

"JARVIS, tell the other avengers to get their butts down here or I'm going up to get them." You say.

"They've been told, (Y/G/T)." JARVIS' voice echoes throughout the room, and you nod, waiting for everyone to show up. The last time you'd had to go up to get them.. well, let's say that it hadn't ended up well for anyone. You thank JARVIS, and then wait for everyone to show up.

After a few minutes, Thor, Loki, Steve, Bruce, Vision and Wanda walk in the large room, and they sit themselves down on the sofas littering the room. Well, Loki stands in the corner, but the rest of them sit down.

"What did you want, (Y/N)?" Steve asks, a note of curiosity in his voice.

You jab your finger at Tony, and he picks up the rails.

"We're all playing Truth or Dare!" Tony says, his tone one of excitement.

"Oh gods... the dread hour is nigh." Wanda says sarcastically, and she grins at Tony.

You frown at her, and roll your eyes. Wanda had always been the sarcastic one of the group. "It'll be fun, Wanda."

Loki snorts, and he glances away from you all. "For some reason, I highly doubt that."

"Anyway.." you take your attention off of the fun sponges, and scan the group. "Yes or no?"

Everyone shrugs or murmurs a response of assent, and you clap your hands. "Excellent. I'll go first. Wanda and Vision: Truth or Dare?"

"Dare." Wanda says, after discussing with Vision.

You gesture for them to follow you out the room, wanting to give a dare in private.

"Alright, Vision, can you put red contact lenses in, and pretend to be evil? I want you to pretend to kill Wanda with the mind stone, and Wanda, you need to pretend to be dead for a week. Got it?" You say bluntly, giving a vague outline of the plan.

Wanda looks mortified, and she groans. "Oh gods..."

"Yup!" You say happily, spinning in a circle before your face fades back to seriousness. "Don't do it now though. Wait a few days."

Vision looks thoughtful, but he offers you a thumbs up. "I am unfamiliar with the concept of being on the dark side, but I will have fun in acting to do so. Thank you, (Y/N), for giving me the opportunity."

You grin. "That's not a problem, Vision!"

You walk back into the room where the Avengers are waiting.

Wanda looks at Steve, who pales.

"Cap, Truth or Dare?"

"Truth." He says.

"Coward." You mutter.

Wanda looks thoughtful, but then cracks a grin. Steve pales further at the grin on Wanda's face. "Out of the people in this room, who do you like romantically the most?"

Clint's eyes widen, and his jaw drops. "That just got deep."

Steve bites his lip as everyone looks at him.

He murmurs something under his breath that no one can hear, and you frown. "What was that?" You ask.

"Tony..." he mutters.

Tony looks shocked.

"Yes, Gay Pride!" You yell, jumping up and thumping the air with your fist.

Steve looks mortified. "Kill me now."

Tony looks at Steve, and asks for him to talk outside.

"Oh gods, I am so dead." Steve says, before walking out to join Tony in the corridor.


Steve and Tony walk back in, Steves hair all rumpled up. You lean closer to Steve.

"Is Stony confirmed?" You ask.

He looks confused, then a look of understandings passes his face.

"Uh, we kissed, if that's what you mean," Steve rubs the back of his head before offering you a sheepish smile.

You smile widely, but keep quiet.

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